Sunday 1 April 2018


and on Instagram
🤣 Am always feel amaze🤣

//(*_*)\\ Don't become a Victim ‹(•¿•)> 💔

👍ALWAYS GOOGLE IMAGES. Or you can use TINEYE. There are other free apps you can get for mobiles..TRY REVERSEE

He wrote to me as Kelvin Arroyo, I got a spam message by messenger, at first the conversations seemed pleasant, later he asked me if I had an account in hangouts, an application that I had never seen or known, he gave me his mail in hangouts as, I downloaded the application, then an excuse was invented that he could not always be active in messenger in the Hmprey military camp in Korea where he was, that it was a great risk and could not be captured by his superiors, so That I distrust and I always had my suspicions, always keeping my eyes open, then I almost always spent 2 or 3 days without writing to him, to show myself mostly disinterested and play hard, one day I connect on messenger and I see that it is active the same during the day than at night, and so on, this kind of thing became constant,This is how I began to watch, then he wrote to me every 2 or 3 days, also on the basis that I did the same, what always seemed strange to me was that all his conversations always spoke with sweet loving messages, and compliments, constantly, so to a certain extent it became disgusting, so much so that when I tried to ask him about his personal life, about his family or something to get to know him better, he hardly answered and almost always avoided talking about these issues, at no time does he show discontent , disappointment, vulgar words, sexual harassment, jealousy or anything like that, so it led me to think that he was not totally serious in his actions and behaviors, sometimes he was towards the one who was a little sad because I did not I wrote, I used the excuse that I did not know how to speak their language,And that I needed to use a translator to be able to write to him, or if I didn't tell him that I had things to do that I was busy, one day he sent me a photo without having to ask him, it also made me very strange, I don't know if I would have done it alone To show his attractiveness, he asked me if I could send him a photo, I refused and I told him that if he wanted to see me make a video call, because he did not trust only the photographs due to the false profiles, so he ended up showing his anger, Then he sent a photo that he was in his office, I sent him a photo of my face only but I recovered it as soon as I could, the days go by and the last time he wrote to me he sent me a photo dressed as a US Marines military man, he tried to ask me Another photo of me and I told him ah, I'll send it to you later, and I didn't send it to him, I left some unfinished conversations without saying goodbye or anything,and I did not know at that time why, when I saw that 5 days passed that he did not write in hangouts or in messenger, I decided to go to Facebook and look for new publications on his profile, and it turns out that I found a totally different profile, which I had studied in Syria, and the city where he was, was a different city from the one he said, supposedly Seoul Korea, there I knew that I was right, and that my suspicions were 100%, now he uses 2 profiles on Facebook with the same name Kelvin Arroyo What change are the profile photos, a photo appears in a field place with some flowers, and in the new account it comes out dressed in winter in the snow, and the location and the city where they are change in both accounts, I hope that They can catch this false person posing as a military man from the exercise, which is lacking in ethics and respect,I acted in the same way as a mirror, and I also told lies and pretended that I had looked for a new job and was busy, I have a boyfriend, I hope not to be bothered with spam like this, luckily I uninstalled the hangouts application, and blocked it of messenger and hangouts, I still have the screenshots of the messages and the 3 photos that he sent me as proof of what I am saying, I hope this information can be useful to you

With me too happened, I got a message on Instagram, his name “Clark Leo”. Shortly talk and he wanted continue on Hangouts app. Before I didn’t knew about Julian so I was naive and I spend to him alltogether 200€ values google cards…He was attractive of course, started the same story with Syria, lost his family, nice conversations and really made me feel like he cares. Asking for money was what give me the feeling, searching because it is just not normal, I had a confused mind. I found out he is a skinner from the name Arroyo, what was on the uniform what pictures he sent me. Funny part that he still keeps telling he is on the pictures and he is not lies, try explain somehow everything what I tell against him..I have his email Adresse: . I could not found out who is he.

+1(909)752-0221  May 2019 

I was on OK Cupid and had picts of Julian sent to me. The number they used is 559-461-3346 and I have to admit that I had my doubts but I was enjoying the attention. The grammar tense and incorrect military information were the kickers. I'm really sorry that this guy is being defamed by these losers who think that stealing is ok. The advantage is that I have found that I enjoy the workout videos and am getting back into shape :)

I'm met this other guy that calls himself Johnny Arroyo and he even said that he is in Syria. This is his WhatsApp #+1 (518) 861-3520. I keep asking to send me a pic of him holding a sign I'm real. He tells me I can't send you a pic because I'm using the computer...

Yeah, me either. Way too hot to be so desperate. Poor guy. If anyone wants to text him, this is the number he is using with me. (813) 773-5482


  1. I almost give in to this face. The face with a name "Robbie Williams"??? Lol! Whoever is the person hiding behind this face is very friendly and funny at first. It's been a month of communication actually, and he said he is deported to Syria. Wow, he even told his photos are being used by others so don't run for them 'coz they are all fake. Until he asked for a favor. But he really thinks he can outsmart me? It's just sad that I was very kind to him.

    1. Well this kindness ends now !! Well he was right in one way...'his' pictures are being used by others.. he just happens to be one of the others !! GIVE HIM HELL !!

  2. I have been chatting with a guy stating he was Julian Arroyo. The pics of the real Julian are great. Definitely a hot guy. Wish I would have known he was a fake before I purchased $150.00 in iTune cards for him. I found Julian's pics on Growlr.

    1. So sorry they got to you and know.. ANY what come and tell you they are military are always fake... ALL of them !!

  3. Yep had me to but with the name Murphy arroyo saying he was 35 divorced no kids. His family were wiped out in a plane crash in 2006 been chatting for the last 7 weeks. When I found the pictures online I had a feeling and confronted him and he brought on the waterworks of how sorry he was blocked reported and gone!! B****rd!!! Kicks you right in the gut ��

    1. Yes it does and it's amazing how they come out with these stories and all for in the end asking you for money?? All these stories are lies... and the love words... it's heartless and very very evil

  4. I feel such a fool!!! I’ve been chatting to ‘murphy’ arroyo giving me the sob story that he’s hungry he can’t eat the food in Kenya where he told me he was. He said his family all died in a plane crash in 3006 he was 35 divorced no kids. He sent pics of all types of forms for leave, phone calls and one about an email sent about fiancé benefits should anything happen. He started slipping up a few days ago when he mentioned Afghanistan so I pulled him up on it and he said that he’s sorry and he was all over the place when we first started chatting. So I started googling to see if I could find anything out about him as there was no Facebook, Instagram and he had blocked me and deleted his Twitter and then pictures and profiles of Julian started popping up. I’ve reported the number to WhatsApp and also reported the twitter account

    1. You know I am glad he got mixed up ! and just think a situation where the US Army send their men out to eat the Kenyan food only.. even if they were deployed in Kenya which they are not !
      Their stories are madness and an insult to the women they scam

  5. I wonder if the real Julian knows that his image is very often used. fortunately I was not fooled !!!

    1. Yes he is very much aware of it ! I'm glad you knew

  6. You can block calls so not much damage glad you found him !

  7. Thank you.. I like to record numbers used in the hope women search so THANK YOU

  8. the real Julian is doing something to fight the image thief. he, as a cadet in the US army, may have better possibilities to imitate the image of the image. I wrote to Julian, that his opinion is being exploited because in the end I found after a long search for his true profile I did not hear about him at all and never saw until the thief branded me as a sacrifice for his purposes. Prawdizwy Julian did not write back to me but I'm glad he is aware of this problem. It is a pity for the real Julian because he is young and before him the whole future in the army and in life. that when he did not find a woman who could be deceived, think that Julian told them to send a pinkie. someone who had stolen from me a long time ago and impersonated me was unpleasant. Greetings to the honest Julian would not break down and fight with the image's thief !!!!

    1. He does not reply Anna because he gets HUNDREDS of messages every week... some are nice and telling him and some are disgusting and horrible. So the best thing is to not look at messages !
      He is a nice man.. a good family loving man. ALL of the men used have tried to fight this and yet Dating Sites,FB and other places won't use photo recognition to stop their pictures being used.
      I wish it would all stop. There are many victims being made. Women are scammed once,Julian is abused a thousand times.

  9. or this email: is for Real Julian. Because I sent him a message that his image was used but he did not answer me. This cheater changed as David John. I used to see real video of real Julian on YouTube, but I was not interested in the gym and the army.

    1. that email is not a real email address?? Where did you get it?

    2. I found this e-mail address as if I were Julian on the website but as you can see it is again a cheat game. And this page

    3. you can give me the real e-mail address to Julian to my address, I want to tell him some nice words ...
      my email:

    4. Scam Haters United I think that this man is also fals

    5. I said no and I mean no.The men's privacy is the most important thing to me.

    6. thank you we will get reported and asked to be removed.

    7. Hi is there any chance to check if also a scammer in hangout his using,but he never ask anything from me

    8. Julian Arroyo is not on hangouts and he is happily engaged to be married to a woman he is living with.
      NO real people are on Hangouts.. JUST SCAMMERS AND VICTIMS it is the worst place online for victim gathering and scamming

    9. I was fooled by this guy who chatted me via Hangouts but I didn't transfer any money to him. named Kevin Arroyo
      In his first messages are really sweet and God fearing. But then, he ask me to send pictures and he also ask for money coz he needs it and will pay me back once he receive his salary. ��

    10. I have been scammed like that and now my live is in danger by a guy I thought was this innocent man he got into all my things threatening me now and there is nobody that can help me at all I have to fight this on my own

    11. Come to our Facebook page to talk. You are getting threats because you have not blocked. YOU are in control and NOT your scammer who is not in your country. Yes.. he is an innocent man. But you are talking to African cyber criminals who will make threats while you let them. Come and talk..... Ruth

  10. I understand, however, I am sorry that if you could tell him, I do not have a grudge for him because I knew that the cheater uses him. tell Julian that he believes in him, that he is not going to break down and that he will finally reach these thieves. I wrote to FB and instagram, but no effects.

    Best regards, Juliana Anna

    1. He knows that nice people feel sorry ! He really does.

    2. I am really glad I found this article. The person behind the profile contacted me and started complimenting me and saying that "there's a reason God is bringing us together." I knew it was too good to be true because how could someone that handsome be single or even want to talk to me.

    3. I'm sure they would but you know good looking men don't need to be online looking for anyone !
      I am glad you found it too ! None who say military are real.. so be careful as more will try.

  11. They guy contacted me last night under the name 'JohnArroyoArmy' ...we talked for about two hours then in the middle of our conversation he ghosted me and deleted the account. This morning our whole conversation had disappeared from my account. I sid manage to get a phone number beforehand which is 1-802-465-1858 and he claimed to be on militarily duties in West Benin.

  12. They guy contacted me last night under the name 'JohnArroyoArmy' ...we talked for about two hours then in the middle of our conversation he ghosted me and deleted the account. This morning our whole conversation had disappeared from my account. I sid manage to get a phone number beforehand which is 1-802-465-1858 and he claimed to be on militarily duties in West Benin.

  13. So this is hes real name and not Anthony Freer???

    1. No. Nothing like that. His name is Julian Arroyo

  14. I'm met this other guy that calls himself Johnny Arroyo and he even said that he is in Syria. This is his WhatsApp #+1 (518) 861-3520. I keep asking to send me a pic of him holding a sign I'm real. He tells me I can't send you a pic because I'm using the computer...

    1. PLEASE don't bother and drop and block. Think of being the man used and your pictures getting sent out like this.. don't encourage them ! Please.. treat with the contempt they deserve. Thanks for the information, it's very useful !

  15. was contacted also, via chat first and after that via the emal "Eric Arroyo"

    Age and rank in armee do not fit to the pictures sent, way of chatting does not fit to a marine US soldier. Information sended, can be googled to be prooven wrong easily.

    Train as hard and consequent as the real julian does. Then you all look much better, and get what you want in the bar next door.

    1. Scammers have no idea about the life they are trying to tell you they lead ! Easily disproved all the way ! So glad you knew and many thanks for the email address,they are very useful.

  16. Hello I have met this guy calling himself Miller Arroyo on dating site POF, he told me he is in US Army and his 40th birthday on 15.3. I was little sceptic if he is telling me the truth as his accent was definitelly not American!His number is +15185129542.He informed me he is on mission in Malaysia so I am sure even this is lie as there is no conflict.So be careful ladies!!!!

    1. it amuses me where they go on these missions !
      Malaysia usually means they will eventually try to fake package scam as for this a lot of money goes there !
      Poor Julian ... 40 !
      Thanks for the information.. we keep record of everything !
      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are ever real. They don't do it,they are not allowed to do it and none would tell you where they are deployed.

  17. I was talking to a lady called Jissok Castro . She said she is a Korean/American and was deployed to Africa for a peace keeping mission but when I copied her photo to my computer it was under the name of JULIAN ARROYO . She also asked me to buy her a iTunes card , I have the photo's if you need them

    1. There are no peacekeeping missions in Nigeria.. and that is easy to check.There is a Jissok Castro that is used in scams !
      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are ever real. They don't do it,they are not allowed to do it and none would tell you where they are deployed.

      Please send anything to

    2. when we first made contact she was in a U.S soldiers uniform and we made contact on wechat , African and Nigerian scammers use Asian dating sites and Asian social platforms to find there victims

    3. They use EVERY dating side and App to find victims.Asians are a target as they believe too easily but the use everywhere.

  18. I was on OK Cupid and had picts of Julian sent to me. The number they used is 559-461-3346 and I have to admit that I had my doubts but I was enjoying the attention. The grammar tense and incorrect military information were the kickers. I'm really sorry that this guy is being defamed by these losers who think that stealing is ok. The advantage is that I have found that I enjoy the workout videos and am getting back into shape :)

    1. I am sure he will be glad to know he is of use !! :)
      Scammers are cruel and evil though and use anyone... so careful as more will try.
      Thanks very much for the information and it's there to search on and people do !

  19. He just sent me a friend request on Facebook under the name Bob Wilson! He is still using Officer Ayyoro pictures!

    1. SUch a common name FB is not letting me find the right one... but thanks for the information

  20. I was also virtually deceived by the person who claimed to be Julian Arroyo. I met this person on instagram, then we started to write on whatsapp, this is the number I got: +1(909)752-0221. All the time this person wrote to me that he loves me and that he wants to be with me. After some week this someone wanted me to transfer to the account of a kind of general first 5000 thousand Polish zlotys, and then 3000 thousand Polish zlotys, as I wrote that I do not have 5000 thousand zlotys. When I wrote that I do not have such money, contact practically stopped, while my husband wrote to stop writing to me, it all ended

  21. I was also virtually deceived by the person who claimed to be Julian Arroyo. I met this person on instagram, then we started to write on whatsapp, this is the number I got: +1(909)752-0221. All the time this person wrote to me that he loves me and that he wants to be with me. After some week this someone wanted me to transfer to the account of a kind of general first 5000 thousand Polish zlotys, and then 3000 thousand Polish zlotys, as I wrote that I do not have 5000 thousand zlotys. When I wrote that I do not have such money, contact practically stopped, while my husband wrote to stop writing to me, it all ended

    1. Well I am so pleased they got nothing ! Please be careful and never respond to any contact on Instagram or anywhere it will always be a scam.. every time and thanks very much for the information. It is very useful.

  22. Last week this man started write me in Instagram as Smith Arroyo.
    Also he created new page in Facebook

  23. Facebook one has been reported and removed.. Instagram are not as good but we will try today... thanks for the information. Very useful

  24. I do know that Julian’s account was being hacked because he told me and the reason I know this is because I am his girlfriend ok ladies please give my man respect that’s all I ask thank you.

  25. I maybe suggest that if you have not met your boyfriend in real life you are being told stories. Julian would never say 'his account was being hacked' and Julian is engaged to be married in real life.

  26. John Arroyo assim como me chamo no Instagram para interagir, disse que era bonito e que queria um relacionamento. Ele me contou que está em uma missão em Ohio e que não viria a vez de volta para casa logo. No Instagram apareceu como @ej3488114. Após os primeiros contatos, me pediu para continuar conversando pelo hangouts.Entao comecei a ver até onde iria. Ele diz que quer namorar, me fala coisas bonitas, nesses dias ZX inclusive hoje 7 de agosto de 2019 me chamou, disse que não estava bem, queria volta para casa e não tinha todo o dinheiro para passagem. Me pediu ajuda com $300 dólares e que pagaria assim que possível. Disse-lhe que tentaria ajuda, ele pediu para eu ficar tranquilo que me levaria para viver nos EUA com ele, pois estava cansado da vida no exército e queria um companheiro.
    Só estou colhendo alguma informação sobre ele para que fim levará. Pedi telefone não me enviou enviou. Ontem falei para ele que achei um perfil também no Instagram como @julianmiguelarroyo e queria saber de fato se era ele, visto que pela fotografia é muito bonito, forte, homem malhado, ele não me respondeu nada sobre. Estou aguardando o próximo contato dele para verificar o que me pedira.

  27. você não coletar informações sobre os golpistas, você bloqueá-los, você já fez bastante dano que você disse a ele a conta real de Julian ... por que alguém faria isso?
    Bloqueá-lo .. você vai descobrir o que? Você está sendo enganado e ele quer dinheiro ... e ele é um nigeriano em um laptop. É o passatempo nacional lá, eles não são presos.
    Faça a coisa certa por Julian e bloqueie. Você já fez o suficiente. Vamos denunciar o falso que é o que você deveria estar fazendo.

  28. Was contacted Sunday 15th September on Instagram @ jame.arroyo112. I'm glad I found this before any conversation go further. I blocked him tonight. Sorry for the real Marine.

    Thank you and we appreciate the help, it will be reported and removed

  30. He is using telegram saying he is bisexual arroyojames as username and that julian is just his work name and his name is james miguel Arroyo

  31. He used Kelvin Arroyo with me. We talked for almost 2 weeks when I decided to look him up on the internet and there all this was. How can someone be so sweet but so crule at the same time. I mean wow people get a flipped heart wow

    1. Well there was never any sweet... there has been only cruel from the start.
      Julian himself is very sweet and happily engaged and settled.
      The Nigerians that steal his pictures to use to get women's money are cruel and heartless.
      This is just another form of cyber crime, online theft.. just a VERY cruel way to get money !

  32. I found out who he is

    1. Your scammer?? They like to confess ! means nothing.. PLEASE.. DO IT FOR JULIAN AND BLOCK

  33. someone using his photos sent me messages calling himself on instagram migueljarroyo telling me that he was stationed in afghanistan but that when he came back to U.S.A we would know each other and that he was a unique son and that he joined the Marine Corps after his parents died in a car accident , he also told me that he was originally from Washington, that he had 2 dogs and that he was 29 years old. At the beginning I got excited and I believed him since in the past I had a marine boyfriend I really remembered my love story that I had. A part of my thought that something nice could happen about this.I will never understand how people can be so sick and do this kind of things. he tried to make me fall in love with him to persuade me to send him intimate photos and videos of me. Thank God his deception lasted only 3 days and that I distrust and send nothing compromising or anything I can be ashamed.When we sent messages and asked him questions and read his answers I knew something was wrong and investigated. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes it on time, which is why we should raise our voice and report and unmask these types of people with bad intentions. before they continue to fool innocent people using the information of this boy that from what I saw in his profile is handsome, very attractive good person good example to follow and his training routines left me speechless and made me motivate and have a life more fitness than I already had, it really inspired me to achieve what I set out to and never give up as difficult as the obstacles are. and I'm glad that something good came out of this and now I became very fan of miguel's routines and I don't miss his videos lol.

    1. I also chatted someone via Hangouts and he has the same story like what you have said. named as Kevin Arroyo, 30 years old from North Carolina, stationed in Afghanistan, his fiance died 3 years ago, his parents died due to motor accident when he was 15. I suspected him when he told me not to disclose to anyone about him. He added me via Facebook but I report his account and that social media response with my report so it easily deleted. I hate scammers. ��

    2. yes we hate scammers to but if you can come off Hangouts it is ALL Scammers and victims, it is the worst place online for them

    3. The real Julian Miguel Arroyo 's parents are still alive,and they live in Texas.

    4. That is of no importance at all..... The real parents have no need to be involved in this.

  34. We try every day and what I want is for more to be like you... to check as soon as they start to talk to someone or start to suspect something.
    We will get this fake account reported and removed today, thank you
    He will be very happy he has a new fan !

  35. Hi I talk with someone calls him self jet arroyo he ask me €1500 to pay his ticket to come see me pleas can you help me and he is in hangout pleas help me dint know what to do

    1. well Hangouts is scammers playground. ALL in there are fake.
      JULIAN Arroyo is taken ! he is happily settled and he is nowhere where he would need anyone to buy a ticket.
      No man you ever talked to would need a woman he has never met to pay.
      Your African scammer is stealing from you.
      Anyone that contacts you and claims military is fake.
      They are never allowed to tell you where they are deployed.
      They are not allowed to do it, they do not do it.
      ALL are criminals, thieves from West Africa using stolen pictures of Military Personnel.

    2. I have met someone via Hangouts then he said that he was assigned now in Afghanistan as Kevin Arroyo of US Marines, he said that his fiance died 3 years ago and he grew up alone without family and relatives. Then, as we further having conversations uhm I realized that he wasn't real US Marine coz he's asking for money around $1000. So, I decided to search online if this man is a scammer.

  36. I am engaged 2 SM Julian. He sad he has been divorced for a year now. Spent3married. What really scorched my tits is My SM bday is July14 1985 and a righty. 35yrs old. The real one was born April 13 1995 and seems left handed. On FB. Something abo3his texts screams African.

    1. You are engaged to an African scammer and if you have got this far then seems you will have been asked for money. The real guy, you are right is nowhere near being born in 1985 ! He is happily loved up with a gorgeous woman and she'd kill him if he was straying ! :)

  37. he knows & warns the public

  38. He got in contact with me a few days ago. Wants to marry and has sent me all sorts of pics. His email is His handle is arroyokelvin88 on Instagram. I saw this site so I'm safe. But I decided to play back and ask him for money he says he can't enter his accounts in Syria where he is starving and on a peacekeeping mission. He asked me for 2000 dollars and an I tunes card. I asked him for money for a dress lol. We are in lock down in Spain and he says he can take a helicopter here. Crazu. Now I'm enjoying playing him. What a freak

  39. Hi my name is Mary louise burbury and hope julian miguel Arroyo finds the scammers and puts a stop it very soon because he doesn't deserve this at all all the best to julian miguel Arroyo and his family stay safe from Mary louise burbury

    1. there are hundreds of scammers using Julian. MANY hundreds they don't get caught. West Africa is corrupt and they accept their scammers. We have to spread the word ! Which I hope we can do.. and no he does not deserve this

  40. This is currently happening to me..

  41. Thank you all for your replies ect.. and your meseges... now i know

  42. With me too happened, I got a message on Instagram, his name “Clark Leo”. Shortly talk and he wanted continue on Hangouts app. Before I didn’t knew about Julian so I was naive and I spend to him alltogether 200€ values google cards…He was attractive of course, started the same story with Syria, lost his family, nice conversations and really made me feel like he cares. Asking for money was what give me the feeling, searching because it is just not normal, I had a confused mind. I found out he is a skinner from the name Arroyo, what was on the uniform what pictures he sent me. Funny part that he still keeps telling he is on the pictures and he is not lies, try explain somehow everything what I tell against him..I have his email Adresse: . I could not found out who is he.

  43. With me too happened, I got a message on Instagram, his name “Clark Leo”. Shortly talk and he wanted continue on Hangouts app. Before I didn’t knew about Julian so I was naive and I spend to him alltogether 200€ values google cards…He was attractive of course, started the same story with Syria, lost his family, nice conversations and really made me feel like he cares. Asking for money was what give me the feeling, searching because it is just not normal, I had a confused mind. I found out he is a skinner from the name Arroyo, what was on the uniform what pictures he sent me. Funny part that he still keeps telling he is on the pictures and he is not lies, try explain somehow everything what I tell against him..I have his email Adresse: . I could not found out who is he.

    1. still keeps telling you.. YOU ARE STILL LETTING A NIGERIAN TALK TO YOU AFTER STEALING YOUR MONEY AND JULIAN'S PICTURES ?? WHY?? what are we doing here if nobody is taking any notice but your scammer calls you baby and honey and so you believe it.
      Why explain to a scammer what you have... MADNESS AND GET OUT OF IT.

      Julian is NOT deployed and well.. we have so much on here of what happens in the military (if he was in Syria.. he could not tell you.. security'..... GET OUT OF THE SCAM.

      Or we may as well just give up and you are letting them win.
      VERY disappointed

    2. A mi me escribio como Kelvin Arroyo,me llego un spam por messenger,al principio las conversaciones parecian agradables, despues me pregunto si yo tenia una cuenta en hangouts,aplicacion que jamás habia visto ni conocido,me dio su correo en hangouts como,me descargue la aplicacion, despues se invento una excusa que no siempre podia estar activo en messenger en el campamento militar Humprey de Corea en el que estaba,que era un gran riesgo y no podia ser captado por sus superiores,por lo que desconfie y tube siempre mis sospechas, manteniendome siempre a la expectativa, despues yo me pasaba casi siempre 2 o 3 dias sin escribirle,para mostrarme mayormente desinteresada y hacerme la dura,un dia me conecto en messenger y lo veo que esta activo lo mismo de dia que de noche,y asi sucesivamente,se volvio constante este tipo de cosa,asi fue como lo empece a velar,despues el me escribia cada 2 o 3 dias,también en base de que yo hacia lo mismo, lo que siempre se me hizo extraño fue que todas sus conversaciones hablaba siempre con mensajes dulces amorosos,y piropos,de manera constante,por lo que hasta cierto punto se volvio asqueante,tanto que cuando intentaba preguntarle acerca de su vida personal,sobre su familia o algo para conocerlo mejor,dificilmente respondia y casi siempre evitaba hablar de estos temas,en ningun momento muestra descontento, decepcion,palabras vulgares,acoso sexual,celos ni nada por el estilo,por lo que me me llevo a pensar que no era totalmente serio en sus actuaciones y comportamientos,en algunas ocasiones se hacia el que estaba un poco triste porque yo no le escribia,use la excusa de que no sabia hablar su idioma,y que necesitaba usar un traductor para poder escribirle,o si no le decia que tenia cosas que hacer que estaba ocupada,un dia me envio una foto sin necesidad de yo pedirsela, también se me hizo muy extraño,no se si lo habra hecho solo por mostrar su atractivo,me pidio si le podia enviar una foto,yo me negue y le dije que si queria verme que me hiciera videollamada, porque no confiaba solo en las fotografias debido a los perfiles falsos,por lo que termino demostrando su enojo,despues envio una foto de que estaba en su oficina,le envie una foto mia de mi cara solamente pero la recupere en cuanto pude, pasan los dias y la ultima vez que me escribio me mando una foto vestido de militar de U.S Marines,intento pedirme otra foto mia y le dije ah despues te la envio,y no se la envie,dejo unas conversaciones inconclusas sin despedirse ni nada,y no supe en ese momento el porque, cuando vi que pasaban 5 dias que no escribia en hangouts ni en messenger,decidi ir a Facebook y buscar nuevas publicacioes en su perfil,y resulta que me encuentro un perfil totalmente diferente,que habia estudiado en Siria,y la ciudad donde estaba,era otra ciudad diferente a la que el decia,supuestamente Seoul Korea,hay supe que estube en lo cierto,y que mis sospechas coincidian al 100%,ahora usa 2 perfiles en Facebook con igual nombre Kelvin Arroyo,lo que cambian son las fotos de perfil,una foto sale en un lugar de campo con unas flores,y en la nueva cuenta sale vestido de invierno en la nieve,y la ubicacion y la ciudad donde estan cambian en ambas cuentas,espero que puedan atrapar a esta persona falsa haciendose pasar por militar del ejercicio,que falta de etica y de respeto,yo actue de la misma manera como un espejo,y también dije mentiras y fingi que habia buscado un nuevo trabajo y estar ocupada,yo tengo novio,espero no ser molestada con spams como este,por suerte desinstale la aplicacion de hangouts,y lo bloquee de messenger y hangouts,todavia tengo los screenshots de los mensajes y las 3 fotos que me envio como prueba de lo que estoy diciendo,espero que puedan servirles esta informacion

    3. Scammers will not stop contacting you, you have to not answer them and block them...
      Thanks for all the information yes it is very useful.
      Julian has been used a lot in scams for many years ! Please take care online

  44. Well three months ago, i have received a nice comment on a good platter i have posted in IG. A young handsome gentleman, with the name of Terrence A. Williams, who is using Julian’s Arroyo’s pictures. we started chatting, he then told me that he is being deployed to Syria, and if we can continue chatting on Telegram for security measures. The guy speaks perfect English and very convincing, I must say. I never suspected anything, a week after his deployment, he tells me he is sending me a package that has some valuable items for me along with his papers to sign so he can leave his mission., he even gave me the cargo company’s name to check that its real. That’s when i started getting suspicious about who the guy is. I subscribed to Beenverified and started my own search, until i found who the real Julian Arroyo is. I wanted to get more info about the guy who i was chatting with, he is definitely a scammer, but he was good, i must say. But every time i asked him about his family and wife, he would say that he will tell me when we meet. I did my research about the cargo company and their address, they are somewhere in England with a fake phone number that is not answered, then i asked him about his address in California, he gave me an address in San Diego, after i googled it, it was an address of an apartment building, but the apartment number does not exist. I stopped chatting with him and blocked him, but I remember that he was very convincing. But he is a sweet talker, and can make you fall for him lol.

    His instagram page, which to my surprise the page exists since March 2021, and he was not caught yet.

    Terrence A Williams
    His telegram is @TerrenceWA
    And the phone linked to the telegram which he forgot to hide is +1- 802-224-8896
    I found that the number is a registered number from Montpellier in Vermont

    1. they are sweet talkers... it is 'Romance Fraud' and some are good English although there are apps to help. The delivery companies are fake with fake websites. The pictures are all stolen and in real life, as you are a stranger he could not tell you where he is going! I am glad you did your research at the start, you are now aware.
      They don't get caught. Sadly, there are hundreds of thousands across W Africa using stolen pictures and scamming. Also every scam is done by a team.... and so they can scam 100+ women at the same time. !
