" ScamHaters United .. Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram : Joel Flambeau (Mauricio Henao, Colombian actor, living in Florida 🤭

Scam Haters United

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Joel Flambeau (Mauricio Henao, Colombian actor, living in Florida 🤭

Joel Flambeau

(Mauricio Henao, Colombian actor, living in Florida ðŸ¤­

He used name "Joel Flambeau", but actually was using the photos of the Colombian actor Mauricio Henao (well, shame he's not widely recognized in UK or Europe).

I live in UK. His story was slightly different from the regular ones, it was about the heritage from his late father, left in African bank, but it was a long story, very consistent, very persuasive.

Whole story with me took 18 months (in French obviously). Well, I didnt believe many things and I was suspicious, but he was bloody good to convince me. I wish I knew about that reverse image search, would save me a lot. Am still in mental processing of this story, that's why I've been doing all this research.

He was mentioning he works hard for getting his father heritage, who was a businessman but passed away few years ago. That story with the heritage was so consistent and he always was so persuasive when talking about it. Well, he didnt have money after he was robbed in Georgia, and was offered a 3 months contract in Ivory coast, with payment afte the accomplishment of the contract, due to failure with payments after been robbed.

I am not gonna mention the "romance" part, but he got me into it after few weeks. Anyway, I always was the ONLY person in the world who can help him, no matter how I was questioning him all the time about his friends or family... he only had an advocate of his late father (living in Canada) who was working FOR him to claim that heritage, but could not help him financially to get it. So it was me who was financing his 3 months contract in Ivory Coast. I asked for the contract, for his passeport etc. Got it, now I know it was faked.

Should arrived to visit me to UK after the Contract and reimburse all my money back, with interest.
This never happened. Firstly, the contract was prolonged couple weeks, then he got the disease (sort of typhoid fever, quite common in that area). Could not travel obviously, had to ho to doctors, his employer paid his bills with the hospital and hotel; so nothing left.

But when you fall into it, talk with someone like every morning, every evening... I asked all the questions, he always gave a reason, which would sound that could happen. It's hard to explain. But I was inquiring on daily basis
Ok, then after the disease, in April 2019 he finally traveled to France (he said he was from Grenoble)
Started on procedure of recovering the heritage. I have picture of it. It was left in Burkina Faso, where he had some businesses

I didnt have a clue about "scammer romance"
Just read something sometimes but I always said it was not the same case and MY Joel is real! ðŸ¤¯ he was so so convincing
Ok, then he traveled to Burkina started to claim his heritage, with some of my help, obviously.
Suddenly, been in car accident, injured (sent me picture from the hospital)
Anyway, this all took time etc.etc. still the heritage recovery was in process, just some government required fees and taxes to be paid... sounded acceptable, indeed
Eventually, he started some work in restaurant to get his food and bed. Sounded acceptable, considering no income for longer period. Then of course malnourishment and conditions led to another disease, malaria (also common in that area).

He provided me also with the bank statement about his heritage, looked genuine, I googled all about the bank and signature. He even sent me the statement about starting to reimburse me. Later, his solicitor from Burkina ( I insisted on providing me more proofs) emailed me and "explained" the situation. So well worked out that still sounded acceptable. Anyway, the money transfer to my account was "stopped" by the government due to money laundering possibility.

So, nothing been reimbursed. Anyway, I stopped helping him in the end of December 2019. Still thought it was genuinely that person on the pictures. Sorry I talk so much, I know how it sounds now, I also am aware now how it looks like, but been sunk in it for such a long time, it's been so emotional for me.

He provided me also with the bank statement about his heritage, looked genuine, I googled all about the bank and signature. He even sent me the statement about starting to reimburse me. Later, his solicitor from Burkina ( I insisted on providing me more proofs) emailed me and "explained" the situation. So well worked out that still sounded acceptable. Anyway, the money transfer to my account was "stopped" by the government due to money laundering possibility.

So, nothing been reimbursed. Anyway, I stopped helping him in the end of December 2019. Still thought it was genuinely that person on the pictures. Sorry I talk so much, I know how it sounds now, I also am aware now how it looks like, but been sunk in it for such a long time, it's been so emotional for me.

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