Wednesday, 5 September 2018

NATHAN FAIR ~ One Minute Warnings Of Ones to Watch

One Minute Warnings Of
Ones to Watch

If you are contacted by these pictures you are not talking to the person in them.
You are talking to a scammer that has stolen them.

With me, a soldier who was on a mission in Syria posed as Kris Johnson and according to him he had captured some rebels and they gave him money and gold bars and he wanted my information so that he could send them to me by parcel, I gave him a false address and a few days later he told me that the package had remained at the London customs office that I had to pay so that the package would not be lost. I began to investigate and the man in the photos really exists, but he is a good man who only uses his photos and videos to excite people, especially women.
He is using Jonathan Schulz, widowed, his mother’s name Natalie and lives in Dortmund Germany. Says he is an E-09 Army Sargent.


  1. I have been contacted by this man he said his name was John Fairy, now I see the con. He first asked for a 300€ gift card, then I finally agree for a 100€. But now I know that is a scam. Thank you. Liana

  2. He tried to communicate with me in the Instagram in June 2020. I was suspecious because he started to force me to communicate on Skype or Hangouts. He told that he's a soldier and used a military computer that was why he couldn't call me video on the Instagram. I've just block this person. Girls, don't believe him. All of these scammers have girlfriends and present them gifts bought our money.

  3. I was just contacted on Instagram (July 2020) by this scumbag and same story as the above girl. Whenever you are contacted by anyone do a Google reverse image. These scammers are relentless!!! Don't ever fall for it!!!!

  4. He is using Jonathan Schulz, widowed, his mother’s name Natalie and lives in Dortmund Germany. Says he is an E-09 Army Sargent.

  5. Have any of you video chat with ?

    1. No and neither have you,...
      You want them sat full in front of the camera, as you are. They can answer your questions. Their mouth moves exactly to the words being said.
      A scammer's trick is to play a video on a laptop and point a phone at it. You think it's real as you see someone moving.
      They claim bad reception, bad line, not clear, no sound !

      DO NOT FALL FOR THE FAKE VIDEO CALL.. Nathan is a happily married man living in the US and doesn't contact anyone at all.

    2. This man has been trying to talk to me for the past week he's pulling me away from Facebook Messenger in which he does not want to talk he wants me to download Hangouts app to talk he said he would get in trouble if he used Facebook.

    3. this man has never contacted you.
      They take you on Hangouts to keep all their hunted victims together and so there they can
      scam many at the same time. Calling you baby and honey so as not to forget your name.
      Please get out of the scam

      ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

    4. For me it was introduced by Mike Richard, widower, orphan of parents and a daughter by the name of Luna ... when I mentioned that I saw the photos of him on this platform he asked me, and by chance my name was there? If this one was not now, and the poor thing yesterday suffered an attack with a gun and two friends died that I have seen the photos around here too!

    5. they would never ever be able to tell you where they are and about anything that happened.. and any photos are picked offline...

      ANYONE that claims to be MILITARY is never real.
      They do not do it. Real Military do NOT go looking on social media to contact women, they are NOT allowed to tell a stranger where they are deployed.
      Every time someone says they are MILITARY , it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

  6. He is a big scam. Posing as an army sargeant. He says he has no family and he says he has a 8 years old daughter. He also claims to be on mission for peace in Sryia. Es un cabron bien hecho. Yesterday he said he would go to Iberia was the last message my sister receibe from him. take care girls. DO NOT BE FOOLED.

    1. HE .. is not the scam, the African criminal using his pictures are the scam. ! I am glad you saw him here but NO one who tells you military are ever real

  7. Recebi uma Mensagem no Tiktok a alguns dias pedindo pra que eu chamasse no Whatsapp, relutei mas mesmo assim chamei. Disse que se chamava Allen Williams que era um cidadão americano, viúvo, perdeu a seus pais a alguns anos e sua filha Luna estaria em um colégio interno. Mas graças a Deus sou uma pessoa muito ligada em jornalismo e não acredito em milagres. Acho que não e inocência e sim burrice e desespero das mulheres pra cair em um golpe que já está tão defasado. Sou Brasileira e aqui é o país em que mais as mulheres caem nessa idiotice . Tenho o número do celular dele posso divulgar aqui para que ninguém mais seja enganado

    1. yes please... anything you send it always useful

    2. Данный момент это человек общается со мной Вот что он сказал когда я ему сказал что он мошенник"как я уже говорил вам раньше, что люди используют мою фотографию, чтобы обмануть людей в Интернете, и об этом случае было сообщено в военное ведомство, и я был вызван для надлежащего расследования, и в конце концов они сказали мне изменить мою личность (имя) Я был теплым, чтобы никогда больше не публиковать или делать что-либо, пока я не уволился из армии, поэтому они советуют мне назвать мое второе имя, которое Чет Миллс ..."

  8. В данный момент общается со мной Вот что он сказал когда я сказала ему что он мошенник"как я уже говорил вам раньше, что люди используют мою фотографию, чтобы обмануть людей в Интернете, и об этом случае было сообщено в военное ведомство, и я был вызван для надлежащего расследования, и в конце концов они сказали мне изменить мою личность (имя) Я был теплым, чтобы никогда больше не публиковать или делать что-либо, пока я не уволился из армии, поэтому они советуют мне назвать мое второе имя, которое Чет Миллс ..."

    1. вот почему мы здесь. Сказать тебе правду. Вы разговариваете с лжецом, вором. Нигериец, который говорит вам, что любит вас, и попросит карту, наличные или и то, и другое.
      Натан Фэйр в настоящее время находится в США и очень хорошо известен в армии благодаря своей музыке. ОЧЕНЬ хорошо известны и восхищаются.
      Не позволяйте вашему нигерийцу рассказывать вам самую нелепую ложь ... он дурак, что придумывает такую глупую историю.
      Не позволяйте нигерийским преступникам так легко разбогатеть

  9. Hola en estos momentos me encuentro hablando con este hombre que utiliza estas fotos ,me pidio algunos datos y también e hizo. Una vídeo llamada quiero ayuda porfa

    1. Una videollamada siempre es un truco y créeme, por favor ... NO estás en contacto con Nathan ... solo otro nigeriano que finge ser él.

      El video se reproduce en una computadora portátil y se graba en un teléfono. Ves al hombre moverse y lo ves hablar.
      No hay "chat". NO tienes una conversación con él y su boca no va a las palabras en tu 'chat'.
      Dirán mala recepción o alguna razón para no tener una conversación adecuada. Solo ver al hombre significa tan poco como verlo en una foto. FALSAS ... TRUCOS DE ESTAFADOR

  10. This scammer messaged me today claiming to be Wilson Fair and I did a Google image search and found all his fake pics. Stay vigilant ladies.

  11. for me he introduced as Patric James

  12. For me he is Anthony George mark...he got me a big amount of money but he doesn't exist and his package. And now he is following me he is Nathan fair. He ask me money to go home in us..he ask me a internet card..I saw him in vediocall so many times he is real .he is already in me using celfone but his back to duty he don't Arive on me...he is Nathan fair he said he give me his I'd in military defense he said he is real..I don't know if he is really really.. a real. But I donot give what he wants anymore cos he scam me already before. ..he composed me a song he always calling me in celfone..but I am not even meet him..he give me everything his background as military...he told me he is not a scammer he is real to me..but I donot believe him anymore..he is real he is handsome he is white he is not Nigerian he is American .but I cannot really say that he is a real Anthony because he despise me he dissapoint me..he donot pay me,,he's on duty ..but I don't know where he is now...I was really experience last month . Someone fighting me in social media she said she is a wife of Nathan fair she is really angry on me...I ask him cos he is in hotel he contacted me always he said she is not his wife. I told the girl she cried. She is Puerto Rican.. he always ask me money. He ask me yellow card to go home on me and gohome to USA cos his card was lost in the war zone..I don't know if I believe him..only god knows if who he is..

  13. no... Your scammer is African and very very fake.
    Real Nathan is NOT anywhere other than at home with wife and kids.
    It is not allowed for ANY military to show you their ID.

    The video is played on a laptop and filmed on a phone. You see the man move and see him speak.
    There is no 'chat'. You do NOT have a conversation with him and his mouth does not go to the words in your 'chat'.
    They will say bad reception or some reason for not having a proper chat. Just seeing the man means as little as seeing him on a picture. FAKES... SCAMMER'S TRICKS

    His wife is NOT Puerto Rican, she sounds like another victim like you believing all said to you with no proof.

    ''He ask me yellow card to go home on me and gohome to USA cos his card was lost in the war zone..'' this is too stupid to answer. ofcourse this would not happen and being US Military he needs nothing and no money.

    Come to the Facebook page to talk to us but please.
    DO NOT MAKE IT THIS EASY TO SCAM WOMEN and respect Nathan, how do you think he feels about this?

  14. Con migo se hizo pasar por Kris Johnson un militar que estaba en una misión en Siria y según él había capturado a unos rebeldes y ellos le dieron dinero y lingotes de oro y quería mis datos para que me los hiciera llegar por paquetería, le di una dirección falsa y a los días me dijo que el paquete se había quedado en la aduana de Londres que tenía que pagar para que el paquete no se perdiera. Me puse a investigar y en verdad existe el hombre de las fotos pero es un buen hombre que solo utilizan sus fotos y videos para exyorcionar a las personas en especial a las mujeres

    1. Es un buen hombre y los ciberdelincuentes de África occidental lo han utilizado durante más de 10 años.

      Usan sus mentiras para robarle dinero a las mujeres.. POR FAVOR BLOQUEEN.. no son buenas personas en absoluto. ¡También son peligrosos ya que pueden hackear!
