I love my country 

I promise to serve my country with all my strength 

Went to Eastmont Junior High
Lives in Detroit, Michigan

Using the stolen identity of British soldier, Steve Kelly.
''Hello how are you doing
Thanks for the acceptance,i was searching for a friend when i stumbled on your profile photos you look beautiful hope you dont mind been a friend,
i am a usa army and i work with the united state peace keeping force in Afghanistan.''
I’m not a bad person I was very innocent and kindness

'Okay I’m so sorry if I was disturbing you
I love meeting a new people that’s why I text you

we have been in Afghanistan since 2 years now
Well I'm Captain Peter Riggs of the US army. I live in Houston texas, but i am on peace-keeping mission in Afghanistan now. I am the only child of my family. I was raised by a Catholic priest, Fr John, after the death of my granny and father. My dad told me before his death that my mother died on the process of given birth to me. After the death of my father, my uncle John took me in as his son but the wife Janet was not really good to me.

This scammer is almost too ridiculous to take seriously.
NO English and all copy and paste.
'Come on try to understand me ma
Am looking for a good and sincere woman to spend the res
t of my life with, a woman who can laugh, one who is motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident. I enjoy meaningful conversation in addition to plain old good fun. I'm basically a very positive person who also loves humor and laughter and would like someone with an adventurous spirit and a positive attitude who can see the funny side of life,'
t of my life with, a woman who can laugh, one who is motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident. I enjoy meaningful conversation in addition to plain old good fun. I'm basically a very positive person who also loves humor and laughter and would like someone with an adventurous spirit and a positive attitude who can see the funny side of life,'


//(*_*)\\ Don't become a Victim ‹(•¿•)›
Now photographs of Stephen Kelly are also used, but under other names and surnames: Eric Ben, Vargas Ben, etc. there are a lot of accounts on different sites.
Сейчас также используются фотографии Стивена Келли , но под другими именами и фамилиями : Эрик Бен , Варгас Бен , и т.д. очень много аккаунтов на разных сайтах.
ReplyDeleteДа, сотни банд мошенников используют Стива Келли. Спасибо большое за новую информацию
DeleteThey also write to me from Nigeria with these photos. I just don’t understand how they found out my number.