One Minute Warnings
Of Ones To Watch ~ WOODNEVER **SEND ANYTHING YOU HAVE NEVER MET IN PERSON IT WILL ALWAYS BE A SCAM .... ~~ Also PICTURES AND INFORMATION BEST PLACE TO TALK TO US.. Comments left have to be moderated due to the large amount of SPAM. For quicker answers please come to Facebook Page.. and to Messages on there.
What happened to the interview with this guy? I've tried to find it but it doesn't appear on Facebook anymore.
ReplyDeleteI removed it from Facebook and Instagram
DeleteIs there any chance you can upload it here? I was recently involved in a scam.
DeleteNo it was removed for a reason. If you wish to talk to Admins on Instagram about this they are always available. As you know
DeleteSo who was the interview with? Because a guy named Benjamin Lee is using these same pictures claiming he is the real person and these are all impersonators...
ReplyDeleteSo who was the interview with? Because a guy named Benjamin Lee is using these same pictures claiming he is the real person and these are all impersonators...
ReplyDeleteI can say I am Queen of England and the one in the palace is an imposter. Do you believe me?? why not? I am saying it with no proof.
DeleteDepends if you want to live with proof or what an anonymous texter is telling you..
Tell your person I get and keep proof for everything I do.. from real and fake people.
DeleteBuenos dias , un hombre con este rostro , me ha hablado durante 2 semanas, me dice que me ama ,pero en una ocasiòn me pidió si podia darle dinero para sus vacaciones ..por supuesto que me neguè y busque por internet información suya vi que usaba varios perfiles y dude de èl . Se lo dije a lo cual el me cambió la situation y me dijo que solo me lo estaba comentando. Que realmente me ama. Yo ya no creo mas en el y por supuesto que se dió cuenta y me pregunta siempre si aún lo amo. Que debo hacer? Porque èl realmente me gusta
ReplyDeleteScamHaters United.. Ruth Realmente no te gusta una persona real. Su hombre es un cibercriminal africano que utiliza fotografías robadas. ¡El verdadero hombre ya no está en el ejército y te lo puedo decir ahora! Esta es una estafa africana. Solo han pasado 2 semanas. BLOÉQUELOS en todas partes y aléjate de ellos. ¡No están seguros en su cuenta ni en su teléfono!