Sunday 30 July 2017


  • Former General Secretary at U.S. Army
  • Widowed
  • From Orlando, Florida


THE URL (WEBB ADDRESS, the www. bit says patrickpasky.paskylosomy.. THIS IS AN OLD PROFILE CONVERTED INTO A SCAMMING ONE.

'General Secretary at U.S. Army' ???? THERE ISN'T ONE.

U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Glenn M. Walters, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps.. IS THE MAN IN THE PICTURES.

YOU ARE NOT TALKING TO THE PERSON IN THE PICTURES.. These have been stolen and they are innocent of all of this. They are victims.

ALWAYS GOOGLE IMAGES. Or you can use TINEYE. There are other apps you can get for mobiles.. Free Apps. This can be your best friend. It can be the difference between being scammed and not.


  1. I got scammed by the general this past week. He was.very good at it.
    Hope I don't have any problems

    1. Sorry they found you but now you know.. but thing is to block him and never answer any calls or any new requests. They will try again.

    2. Excuse me people, but you did NOT get "scammed by the General." He does not and never has had a Facebook profile!!! Just ask NCIS, which has been trying to take these fake pages down. (There were 19 at one time.) I'm his wife, and very much alive, by the way. Have you ever spoken to him on the phone??? I'll bet not.

    3. PLEASE.. can you come to or the FB page and come to Messages.
      We report some every day and they do take them down for us. We have a couple on the list for tomorrow.

      We know you are alive and we know it's not him.. and we hope so does everyone else.. and we are always sorry when scammers find victims but in our eyes the biggest victims are the men used and their families and we will continue to fight for you.. and tell it how it is.. THAT IT IS SCAMMERS, MOSTLY BASED IN WEST AFRICA DOING THIS. Not the men themselves.

  2. todos os dias tenho pessoas que se fazem passar por outros-
    além de falar com eles, também já vi em video e em directo.
    nota-se uma certa distorção na voz e na pessoa,
    dizem sempre que é do pais em questão.
    ou porque tem pouca bateria ou pouca rede.
    Primeiro enredam as pessoas e depois pedem dinheiro. Pedem sem+re mais e mais valor. Começam com 1.500 euros, depois 2.000 e assim sucessivamente.
    sei que a maioria destas pessoas são da Nigéria, Africa, Asia, China.....
    Também sei que muitos são mulheres que se fazem passar por homens e vice versa.
    A INternet, o Facebook e outras redes sociais tem o direito de detetar todo que seja uma anormalia, Spam, Robots... Já é tempo de fazer algo urgente. Qualquer dia as pessoas deixam de ter Internet. Faz-se como antigamente Usar somente o TELEFONE.
    É por isso que eu tenho evitado publicar fotos,conversar com desconhecidos, doar, partilhar site dos amigos, etc, etc,.....e o mais importante nunca dizer para onde vou.
