, pub-2893503378204328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 " ScamHaters United .. Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram : Samuel Howard

Scam Haters United

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Samuel Howard

Captain at U.S. Army
Studied at New York University 
Lives in Kabul, AfghanistanFrom Brooklyn, New York

He is going to retire from the Army very soon and is going to move to ... well, wherever you live !!!

He also asks you to be his 'contact person' with the Army... I suppose to make you feel closer.

One nice person  was involved with this scammer and believed he was coming to Spain to be with her when he retired. 
This is what I was told.... 
''The fake Captain Samuel Howard contact me in January in a contact web called He was very kind and told me exactly the same as you told: he was going to retired from the army and wanted to begin a relationship with me in my country, Spain.
He told me that he had lost his boyfriend killed in the army a few months ago. '' He worked with an acomplice who was supposed to be a diplomat from the UK.
I hope he waste the money he cheated me in medicines. I can't think there are so bad people in this world, but there is.
The diplomat that works together with the fake captain Samuel Howard was called Joseph Harrod and the email of this second man was ''Maybe both the captain and the diplomat were only one man, I don't want to know...
I find this extremely sad and makes me so angry !

He worked with an accomplice who was supposed to be a diplomat from the UK.

Added by me from comments..(Sorry to disturb again, but I read above that the victim in this case was a woman. The one who had this horrible experience is a man, a gay man (I'm talking about myself). The fake Captain Samuel Howard contacted me in a gay contacts web called
**** Here is where I make a big apology for putting woman !!! For some reason I read boyfriend but I put 'woman'.. I think my head was just on auto-pilot because it is usually women. It had been a woman that told me about him retiring and coming to you wherever you are. I do now know he is scamming both men and women. 

I really apologise here... I hope I didn't offend. I applaud your bravery. 

These evil scammers..  don't care who they hurt and how. There is a bottom line and that is money. The tearing apart of your heart and soul is almost somehow worse than the money you lose and that is bad enough. 

All we can do is spread awareness and share. Facebook and Google don't take profiles down when reported. 

We just have to get the word around to as many as possible so more will know just what is out there... once they know they can avoid. 



Captain Samuel Howard is now Captain Daniel Hardman. He uses the same story as before.  His new email adress is
                      Thank You

comment left.. thank you 

Only a few moments ago I realised that I was being scammed by the honourable captain Daniel Hardman.
He contacted me a few weeks ago via planet Romeo!
But things that are too good to be true usually are too good to be true!
I went to see my Bankmanager today in order to have a considerable amount of money transferred to some Joseph Harrod, British government agent. Non existent it was then that I started to doubt! Thank god i found this website. As he told it would ruin his career if I didn't transfer the money... that made realise something wasn't okay!
So he is FAKE and very, very evil! 
Spread the word..... 
merry Christmas everybody!


  1. I feel very ashamed of what I'm going to tell, but it's just to help any other men.
    The fake Captain Samuel Howard contact me in January in a contact web called He was very kind and told me exactly the same as you told: he was going to retired from the army and wanted to begin a relatioship with me in my country, Spain. He told me that he had lost his boyfriend killed in the army a few months ago.
    But the worst thing is that he cheated me and I lost a lot of money. I prefer not to tell about the issue, because it's really sad for me. I was very fool because I only wanted to help him and begin a new friendship or whatwever. His mail is the same you told:

    He worked with and acomplice who was supposed to be a diplomat from the UK.

    I hope he waste the money he cheated me in medicines. I can't think there are so bad people in this world, but there is.

    1. Please don't feel a fool... you trusted someone and believed them because you would never do anything like this to someone.
      Thank you for what you've told me.

      Come to
      There's a lovely Support Group there at
      now... the group is a closed group so I have to let you in.
      In there you can talk to other women who are in the same boat as you !!! There's no judgement or anything.. just friendship.

      Also if we get other information we list other scammers we come across and warn potential victims.

      We have to do something to fight back and every little helps.. it's out spider's web !!! Getting word around to help other women know and not feel like you do.

      Please.. think of coming over there

  2. The diplomat that works together with the fake captain Samuel Howard was called Joseph Harrod and the email of this second man was
    Maybe both the captain and the diplomat were only one man, I don't want to know...

  3. Thank You.. I don't want the day to come when they realise diplomat isn't the right word to use for this person's job. I love them looking foolish !

  4. Thanks for your kind words and understanding, friend. I have no facebook yet.

  5. The name of the fake diplomat was Joseph Harrod and he called me to Spain from this telephone number that was supossed to be a number from Britain: 44 7452 053576
    I didn't save the exact email of this man, because I closed the email from where I write both the captain and the diplomat, but what I told was sure, it was an

    The captain found me in a gay web of contacts called or (it's the same one)
    He acted like a real friend or boyfriend for several months, writing me every day. He told that he would resing from the army in march, but as time went by, the new captain that should have taken his place didn't arrive to Afganistan. That was another cheat and I should have notice it then, before losing a big amount of money.
    Thanks again for the support. You can add as much information as you can to this entry. The bad thing is that this man would leave the name of this captain to cheat and would take another different one to begin again.

  6. Sorry to disturb again, but I read above that the victim in this case was a woman. The one who had this horrible experience is a man, a gay man (I'm talking about myself). The fake Captain Samuel Howard contacted me in a gay contacts web called
    Thanks for your attention

  7. Thank You.. I've updated my posting. I'm sorry I did read the word 'boyfriend' and still put woman ! Auto Pilot I think but I do know he is scamming women on Facebook... so now we know he is scamming both.

    I truly meant what I said about why you were scammed and the sorts of people who are. If you or any of your friends ever want to come back to me and ask me to check someone suspect you are more than welcome.

    Thanks again for your brave replies.

  8. Hello,
    this guy operates now under new name. Captain Samuel Howard is now Captain Daniel Hardman. He uses the same story as before. Don't know how people like him can act the way they do without beeing detected. His new email adress is

    1. They are detected.... it doesn't matter if they are or how open they are. These are stolen pictures used by scammers usually from Africa. Some are from the Middle East.. but most from Nigerian and Ghana. There it is a way of life and accepted. No law will touch them... and this is our biggest problem

  9. Only a few moments ago I realised that I was being scammed by the honourable captain Daniel Hardman.
    He contacted me a few weeks ago via planet Romeo!
    But things that are too good to be true usually are too good to be true!
    I went to see my Bankmanager today in order to have a considerable amount of money transferred to some Joseph Harrod, British government agent. Non existent it was then that I started to doubt! Thank god i found this website. As he told it would ruin his career if I didn't transfer the money... that made realise something wasn't okay!
    So he is FAKE and very, very evil!
    Spread the word.....
    merry Christmas everybody!

    1. Merry Christmas and you have made mine !! I am so glad you lost nothing and you know he can't threaten you.

      Thank You ... yes they are evil... very very evil.
