Wednesday 27 April 2022

Lt. Col. Chris John Clark, is a fake account deployed in Dubai for a special mission The Usual , everyone in his family is dead. .

 A scam is active where he goes by the name of Lt. Col. Chris John Clark, 🚩deployed in Dubai for a special mission.

(DUBAI! ) 🚩🚩

A graduate of Architectural Engineering at Stanford Univeristy Berlin Germany..🚩then his parents died before he finished university. He went back to US and went to military.

🚩His wife died in a car accident 5 years ago and he has 10 year old who lives with just a 🚩Mexican nanny everytime his deployed.

He lives in Florida but retain their ancestral house in Virginia.. even bought a house in Toronto. 🚩

🚩He had an elder sister but died of cancer just a year ago.

He's working on his retirement now to continue their construction business, and he said his dad was a business mogul.

🚩He's very sweet, a gentleman and very caring ...
Words from the woman he never managed to make a victim.....

HE'S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE... so many red flags

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