, pub-2893503378204328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 " ScamHaters United .. Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram : So.. you in love with a handsome soldier?? THINK AGAIN !

Scam Haters United

So.. you in love with a handsome soldier?? THINK AGAIN !

So.. you in love with a handsome soldier?? THINK AGAIN !
The internet is flooded with them... GOOD LOOKING SOLDIERS !
They may have contacted you with a ‘Hello beautiful’..’Hello Pretty’... ‘was just browsing and decided to send you are request, am so taken by your beauty’... YEAH RIGHT !! When was the last time you did that to anyone?? Or any man you know randomly contacted a woman because he liked the look of her?? I THINK NEVER ! Only fakes do it.
SO.. your soldier.. CAN IT BE THAT MOST OF THE U.S. (and increasingly the U.K. ) MILITARY ARE WIDOWED?? Lost their wives in a car crash, cancer or child birth?? (Childbirth death is still common in Africa, not here).
IF NOT, A SMALL NUMBER ARE DIVORCED ! Caught their wives cheating with their best friend, or being a drug addict or some other sad story. NOW THIS CAN’T BE ALL OF THEM !
Have you seen how many come from TEXAS ?? (Scammers favourite state),closely followed by California. (They love California City.. but it does not exist ! ).
MANY SAY THEY ARE PEACEKEEPING.. now a word about this. Peacekeeping is something that is in a place where there is PEACE.. Here is a list of current Peacekeeping Missions. and Peacekeepers wear light blue caps, berets and helmets. Ask for a picture with your ‘soldier’ wearing his Peacekeepers headgear. I mean, if he is real, then that is not hard?? Or is it? THERE IS NO PEACEKEEPING IN IRAQ, SYRIA OR AFGHANISTAN.. THERE IS NO PEACE.
THE ARMY IN NIGERIA....The Nigerian Army fight Boko Haram and their terrorists. ISIS ARE A THREAT TO THE WORLD, Boko Haram are a threat to AFRICA and Africa looks after this. THE U.S. AND U.K. ARMY ARE NOT DEPLOYED TO NIGERIA OR WEST AFRICAN COUNTRIES AND DO NOT HAVE ‘CAMPS’ AND ‘BASES’ THERE. No matter what your lover tells you. HE IS THE SCAMMER IN NIGERIA SO THAT YOU WILL SEND THE MONEY THERE TO HIM.... Oh !! and ...if they are in a Middle East war zone.. THEY WILL NEVER HAVE AN ‘AGENT’ IN NIGERIA WHO COLLECTS THE MONEY FOR THEM AND SENDS IT. .............Stop and Think. ! ALWAYS CHECK !
The military needs money for NOTHING. No medical bills, for him or his family.No needing money for a sick child anywhere in the world (and nobody leaves his child in school in Africa). HE DOES NOT NEED MONEY FOR FOOD.. have you seen how the Army eats ! They are not given local food made around a campfire ! THEY EAT WELL. THEY DO NOT LOSE GUNS AND HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM ! (That one is ridiculous ! ). They do not need money for WIFI.. for DATA.. or internet access of any kind.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FIANCEE FORM AND NOBODY APPLIES FOR LEAVE FOR A SOLDIER OR ANYONE WHO SAYS WORKING WITH THE U.N. They are deployed as a unit, they go and return as a unit and the Army transports them.
IF HE IS ONLINE EVERY DAY TO TEXT... HE IS FAKE.. A soldier does not have time for that.. some report spending 5 + hours a day online to their lover.. AGAIN STOP AND THINK.
ALWAYS ASK FOR HIS @MAIL.MIL EMAIL ADDRESS.... AND I MEAN ALWAYS. The Army doesn’t use gmail or yahoo mail... they use NOW.. your lover will give you a million reasons why he can’t give that. If he gives one then email it... and wait for the reply. (It will never come, but wait to check it, !) EVEN THE ARMY SAYS... IF HE REFUSES TO GIVE THIS HE IS FAKE.. believe the Army and NOT your lover.
So I've been talking to Mitchell Murphy and decided to do an image search to find out it's a scammer the other names I saw associated with the image are Jake Murphy, Santos Murphy, Jake Peterson Murphy and many more. I'm so glad I'm smart enough to not send any money. Just want to inform everyone their using his profile again and I met him on Pof. I'm pretty sure they are using another name now.

His name was Michael Hilton. He claims to be part of the UN Peacekeeping mission based in NIGERIA. He is a divorced father of a 4 year old daughter. He said he was in the US Air Force as a first sergeant. his photo tipped me off because his rank was either a staff sergeant or a technical sergeant. He said he was scheduled there for the next 7 months and his daughter was with a nanny. All very suspicious to me. Good thing I looked on here!
I've had intensively communicate with a journalist deployed in Afghanistan, his name is Emmanuel Jones as a chief Journalist. We're just make communication about 1 month but he asked for me to get married.. lol.. He's so lovely and I was so impressed with all of his word texted. He said from US but I dont believe when someday we got called by whatsapp, his voice definitely Nigerian or not any others white guys looks. He asked for me to filled in the form to apply his permission leave from his base camp and will marrying me during his duration vacation. Thank God, when UN fake account ( asked for me to send my ID Card, I realized that I am on target scammers. His UN ID card take me to the your site.. thank you .. because his ID card looks like fake ID card, so I searched for and damn it's definitely FAKE.!! LOL..

I just blocked all of them mail and whatsapp sent to me.
anyway his mail is


  1. He named himself as Ryan Jeremy Huff or simply Ryan Jeremy. He claims to be part of UN Peacekeeping mission in Syria. He is widowed, his wife died of car accident, his only son, send his son is sent to boarding school in Accra, Ghana. Same as mentioned above, he got interested in me thru FB because I look beautiful. Started to asked favor to pay first for his internet subscription; ask if I can write a vacation leave to UN so he can come and me. Our conversation after FB messenger, as he recommended, is thru Hangout for privacy reason. So yah, almost all described above showed pattern of how Ryan or Ryan Jeremy would communicate to me. And as military on mission, I wonder how he could spend time chatting for 30 minutes and more at any time he decides to do.

    I thank God for making me find your website as I really wanting to validate this suspicious feeling I have inside as I am asked to trust him only. Praise God, I am set free from this scammer.

    1. Also as a military in a place where there is no peacekeeping mission!You can't keep peace in the middle of a war.
      Come off Hangouts you will be serially scammed on there ! I am glad you know. Take care and they will keep trying but know that anyone who comes to you and says military will always be fake !! Take care !! Be safe.

  2. His name was Michael Hilton. He claims to be part of the UN Peacekeeping mission based in NIGERIA. He is a divorced father of a 4 year old daughter. He said he was in the US Air Force as a first sergeant. his photo tipped me off because his rank was either a staff sergeant or a technical sergeant. He said he was scheduled there for the next 7 months and his daughter was with a nanny. All very suspicious to me. Good thing I looked on here!

    1. Why would there be a peacekeeping mission in Nigeria??
      There are only a small number of them around the world and Nigeria isn't one of them !
      so glad you looked on here !! Thanks for the information.

  3. His name is Albert Stansbury he claims to be part of the US Peacekeeping mission based in Kabul Afganishtan. He said his divorced has 3 kids he has even send me pictures of him and his kids and on his military uniform he is in the U.S Army as a Sargent Rank-E6. He told me his kids were with a nanny in Texas. He wants to send me some papers and money to keep for him his telling his Commander he wants to retired to come and get married. Please advice Thank You

    1. If you think about it Kabul is a war zone.. you can't have a Peace Keeping mission in a war one and this is a popular scammer error. There is NO such thing as emailing a Commander and if someone is deployed they don't suddenly decide to retire and you send money to get them home.
      The fake package scam is a very old and common one... and will cost you a lot of money. As will the leave papers
      Here are the places where the UN does Peacekeeping and ALL peacekeepers wear light blue berets and helmets.. ask him for a picture of him in his !! THERE IS NO PEACEKEEPING IN KABUL. !!


  4. So I've been talking to Mitchell Murphy and decided to do an image search to find out it's a scammer the other names I saw associated with the image are Jake Murphy, Santos Murphy, Jake Peterson Murphy and many more. I'm so glad I'm smart enough to not send any money. Just want to inform everyone their using his profile again and I met him on Pof. I'm pretty sure they are using another name now.

    1. Thank you so much for the information and for searching !
      They will use lots of names but when people search and find it's been so many and Jake has been used by scammers for years.. maybe then they will see they will get nothing !
      Thank you

  5. j'ai parlé sur instagram avec le capitaine Clark Osborne, casque bleu en lybie,pendant 1 mois. je savais que c'était une arnaque dès le départ. je ne suis pas tombée dans le piège. jusqu'au jour où il m'a demandé de l'argent pour pouvoir partir. je devais envoyer cet argent à son brigadier général Huff me suis amusée à lui envoyer un faux reçu de virement.j'ai réussi à faire parler cet imposteur. il est nigérian. ne tombez pas dans le piège. vous pouvez vous amusez par contre !!!

  6. bonjour
    j'ai parlé pendant 1 mois sur instagram avec la capitaine clark osborne, casque bleu en libye. Il habite à Sugar Land au Texas, pas de parents. pas de frère ou de soeur. veuf avec une fille, Jenny, de 10 ans, élevée par une nanny.Dès le début j'ai fait des recherches photo sur google image. Rien. je me suis rendue compte que c'était un escroc. mais j'ai joué le jeu. je l'ai pris à son propre piège. il y a une semaine il m'a demandé de l'argent pour pouvoir quitter le camp. j'ai donc créé une fausse adresse mail, rempli un faux formulaire de demande de permission et envoyé à son brigadier général, huff miller (, un faux reçu de virement de 5000€ sur un compte bancaire d'une banque new yorkaise JP Morgan Chase Bank in Manhattan dont la titulaire est une certaine Merrie Seger.
    j'ai bien rigolé !!!
    j'ai pu démasqué l'aranaqueur. Un certain Finian. il est nigérian.
    le compte instagram a été supprimé.
    ne vous faites pas avoir. jouez le jeu pour les démasquer !!
    personne n'a le droit de vous demander de l'argent pour avoir une permission de sortie !!
    soyez prudente

    1. Think about it.. playing the game is giving them good scammer practice.
      You are helping them. Making them better for the next time. Just think if they got nobody to talk to ! Their phones and laptops fall silent and they have nobody to send their fake forms to. Playing gives the confidence to keep trying the next one.. because they have got better ... it may work next time.

  7. I fell completely in love with Lieutenant General Paul Francis Wynnyk.... he claimed to be stationed in Kabul for almost 9 months but was due to be returning to Canada. He was divorced with 2 children that schooled in Italy. I facebooked him, googled him and it all seemed so true. He even sent a pic of his identity card which he claimed was a serious safety issue should anyone else see it. Obviously I deleted it.
    Then it all got too much, he said his son had appendicitis and needed surgery immediately but he had to pay 300$ before they would do it. They needed blood . I mentiond the Italian NHS only to be told he was in west Africa......
    I may be a silly old woman for believing his lies but I did have the sense not to send the money. It then escalated into him being quite nasty when I questioned him. It ended with him blocking me......
    I contacted the Canadian Army and his wife, I told them everything as I was worried it could harm his reputation and his safety.
    I’m left broken hearted, feeling incredibly foolish and gullible.

    1. The scammers don't harm the reputation of the real men used.The scammers made themselves look just as they are... greedy, lazy,heartless liars.

      As if any soldier of any rank would need $300 for an operation anywhere in the world.

      Be very careful... as more will try. West African scammers will pass your name and details to someone else for them to try.

      You were none of the things you are beating yourself up with. You were just too trusting !! you can't blame yourself for that but now you know.

      Take care....they are evil creatures.

  8. so ive been talking to a man name eric porter he found me on facebook back in december and he wanted me to send itunes cards so i did and when i wouldnt send more he stopped talking to me. then just recently he got in touch with me again now hes wants me to get a walmart card so he can put his allowance on it he says so he can come to me

    1. Why would any soldier need iTunes and Walmart card.. ???? This is why scamming is so huge... women won't say no.
      Also you have let him back in.. please block.

  9. And I was talking with US soldier in Afganistan Jack Miller,although once he said Frank..he said both 2 names its his full name.Anyway ,he already said that he loves me and waiting to be retired to come to me😁 To buy house,build hospital and get married.. Few days ago he asked for help,saying that he don't know if he will make it and asked me to keep his package,that he want to send..He even showed me receipt of package,while ago I got email from delivery guy ,he said I have to pay custom fees 2150 $ because package is on hold in Ghana ,Accra .Is this all bullshit?

    1. The fake package scam... yes absolute bull and the $2150 will just be the start of what they ask's VERY common.
      Your soldier does not exist.. the package does not exist, the receipt is fake and you are being scammed by men from Ghana !

  10. someone named Richard Dlugoleck has contacted via Instagram and got to know me. he said his name was Richard and was on duty in Syria. the picture is exactly the picture. but he hasn't asked for money or anything and I tried to find out and get this information

    1. Please report an block. There is no information you can get. Think of Dan and his life being used to scam.
      The only decent scammer is a blocked one. We will report the fake also to IG

  11. Haha I am talking to a guy named William Britain Woodruff he says he is in the military and stationed in Africa on a secret mission he told me recently that he lost his done and now he has to come up with $700 to pay for it and he is asking me to send him $200 2 a person here in the United States then which they're going to send it to the military do you think this person is a scammer what should I do I'm completely in love with him I feel like an idiot

    1. Nobody that contacts and says they are Military are ever real.

      They don't do it, are not allowed to do it and could never tell someone they had never met where they are deployed.
      Also SECRET MISSION !!! and you are asking if he is real?? Secret mission. Lost his phone and you have to pay???
      No one in the Military is in Africa... just the scammer that is giving these stories to you... look at Military romance scams.. !! is the email address if you want to send a picture.. but .... your African is sat there using stolen pictures and wondering whem you are going to pay him.

  12. I am talking to a guy named Robert Abrams we have been talking on kik/ whatsup app for months I got really comfortable with him and have sent Inappropriate pictures now he is telling me if I don’t send him 100 for food he is going to post them online he told me he is in west Africa and he is part of the navy and now I don’t know what to do


  13. Talking to a guy named Hardy Mcgrew says he's on peace mission I Afghanistan has a son wife died very handsome now he saying he loves me and wants me to contact military to get emergency leave sent pic of a beautiful home in Texas says is his I feel like he's fake won't video chat say military won't allow it

    1. Nobody that contacts and says they are Military are ever real.

      They don't do it, are not allowed to do it and could never tell someone they had never met where they are deployed.

      Also yes.. if he was real he could video. Real soldiers do. There are NO peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan. It is a war zone, you can't keep peace where it hasn't been. Common scammer mistake. On Deployment emergency leave is for close family major emergencies that he would arrange there. Military only use email address... nothing like gmail or or anything else. You can send pictures to me at

  14. Is there any way to track and delete explicit images sent to a scammer? My ex-wife ruined our marriage because of a relationship she became entangle in. A bs artist claiming to be a German pilot calling himself jan van megan stationed in Djibuti.

    1. sadly no. The scammer will have them on his laptop. Honestly they rarely use them. They get them fro blackmail but if the scammer is blocked and he can't make contact to blackmail in most cases they move on. Once they move on so do the pictures disappear, they are no use to them.

    2. Hola. me ha contactado por INSTAGRAM una supuessta militar americana destinada en SIRIA. Después de días diciéndome que se ha enamorado de mi (cosa que yo dudaba), me dice este lunes que la han herido en una pierna. Le pido una foto de la pierna y me la pasa. Pero me pide ayuda, rogándome que contacte con un abogado para que la saque de Siria. Me da el correo de dicho abogado y contacto con el. Me contesta amablemente que si se puede hacer cargo de sacar a la militar de Siria. Me pide unos datos de dicha militar (los cuales ella me facilita), pero cuando me pide también mis datos y 1.450.-$, pues ya yo termino desconfiando absolutamente y he bloqueado todo.

  15. Nadie que te contacte y diga que son militares es real.
    No se les permite hacerlo, no lo hacen.
    Además, nadie en el ejército puede decirle a un extraño dónde está desplegado.

    ¡Ningún militar necesita dinero para las lesiones y ningún militar puede "salir" de su deber!

    Hay varios millones de falsificaciones en Instagram, así que ten mucho cuidado, intentaré más y me alegro de que no te diga nada.

    TODOS los usos militares @ SOLAMENTE

  16. Please, check this profile on Instagram
    It looks suspicious to me. I received some request from one that I know is a scam (Koke Yepes - but it was identify as Williams Charlie). I think is the same person trying another profile.

    1. I think this is too

  17. iT HAS BEEN REPRTED thank you it is fake

  18. hola Fui contactada por una pagina de citas, En varias ocasiones he sido victima de perfiles falsos me han pedido el correo y casi siempre es un militar o un viudo o un empresario que trabaja para alguna refineria en medio del mar. Agradezco a esta pagina por orientarme aunque a veces sigo la idea hasta que llegan al punto de solicitarme dinero, por ello casi siempre comienzo diciendo que gano menos de lo real y ademas que tengo necesidades económicas.
    La ultima persona se hizo llamar Chris Micheal correo chrismicheal3188@gmail,com, militar trabajando en naciones unidas para la paz en Syria dijo tener un hijo Parker, viudo hace 4 años, su esposa murió teniendo a su 2 hijo. Lo busque pero con ese nombre no me aparece ninguna foto, ya lobloquee como a los demas.

  19. Can you guys check this one i am afraid ot is fake too tx

  20. yes and we will report, thank you also report some of his fake followers "
    looks like this may be involved

  21. Has there been any complaints or inquiries on a Josh or Joshua Goldson?

    1. There are a million name used.. literally so without information it's not possible to know ho you talk about.
      Please... Come to the FB page
      or email me on
      and I will look into it for you and see who he is, what he says and what he is !

  22. Hello, Even if I have given a little information on what I have experienced, I would like to give some more details about the issue, to warn the people who are a target of scammers. For almost 45 days I have been chatting with a person who allegedly is a lieutenant general,51 years old, in the US army under the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan, an Andrew Scout. He found me through my Pinterest page and forced me to create a hangouts. I was suspicious, because no lieutenant general of the US army can be on pinterest and announces his rank so easily. But I did what he told me, I wanted to give him a lesson.He was talking very gently as if he is the only person that can love a woman so deeply. According to what he told me, her wife was dead in a traffic accident 12 years ago, and her daughter, 12 years old, is in a boarding school in UK. He seemed so in love. Although I asked him many times to send me a photo of himself, he always found an excuse saying that in the army base it is not permitted and that surveillence was everywhere and he could lose his job if he is caught. When I asked him his pay grade, he couldn't answer me. He told me his salary. I asked him A. Scott Miller, a 4 star general who is currently the commander of all the US Forces in Afghanistan, he told me that he didn't know him, but he was curious about how come I knew him.These were all red flags for me. But even so I kept on talking to him,his words were so nice. He always was going on patrol or on mission in the battlefield, so that he claimed to have lost one of his collegues in a Taliban attack.At last he told me that he was redeployed to a more dangerous war zone just near to the Taliban hideout. He claimed that he has already submitted his retirement request, but since he had only72 hours to leave the base for the new post, he had to expedite his retirement procedures but he needed money to get the documents from his previous jobsites. I told him that these documents should be free of charge and all his background should be already in his personal file since he was in the army all his life. He told me that, the amount he requested, 3504.18 US dollars of only for processing the documents and for postage. Even after this, he told me that the people in charge of posting made a discount in the amount, 2800.00. I didn't give him the money. I told him I don't have any, but he didn't believe me and told me that I had more than enough and only God knows why I refuse to give. And, since then, he disappeared. No news. I spotted him on ınstagram with the same photo using a private account "jamesharry@jamesharry8790" and "andrew scout333". He also exists on Pinterest, has 3 accounts on pinterest. I didn't believe him,but I am really impressed by him even though right from the beginning I wanted to give him a lesson. Now, I wonder what if he is real,or what if he was using a real persons photo to deceive us... Could you please be kind enough to verify this for me???? Thanks in advance......

    1. Nobody can force you to create a Hangouts account. Sorry you are ao impressed by Nigerian scammers. It ccoud, never be the real man,he would be arrested in days. Retirement is a planned process which is at the end of serviece. Not something quickly paid for by a woman,in face it is not paid for.
      NOBODY who tells you military is real... and none could tell a stranger where they were or anything opertional. PLEASE don't give Nigerians practice and time. DROP and block.. you do the US Army and this general a great disservice with believing Africans

  23. I am sorry. I am sorry to have experienced such an event. But once more I want to say that from the beginning on I didn't believe him and only wanted to give him a lesson. Because a US general can not be on pinterest pages, and will not say his rank so easily. I don't think I did any disservice to anybody or to any establishment. I can never think of such a thing. Besides I haven't given him anything. I already blocked him, 10 days ago.I was just worrying about the real person whose photo is used. Most probably a real soldier in military. I hope he will be caught soon. Thank you for your polite reply. Good evening...

    1. Hello, Sorry for bothering you once more, but, 10 minutes ago, when going through Instagram, I came across with a profile, "DAWE COLEN_O",who is tagged as Kenneth Nike Hotchkiss in your pages and who I know as "Andrew Scout". He has various photos of himself, which I have seen nowhere. His account is still seems active, I mean not blocked. I couldn't decide whether I should block him or not. I thought it would be better to inform you. I hope this information will be useful for you. Have a nice evening....

  24. hola, me contacto por instagram un jeff alesandro, supuesto aleman- estadounidense que militar de eu y esta en misión de paz en namen, pero en un mes se retira, vive en texas y platico con él todos los días por whats porque no puede recibir llamadas por facebbok( tiene perfil de fecebook) con pocas fotos, ya hice una llamada por facetime y si coinciden sus fotos con el en persona, pero no me se su nombre completo, y eso de que no pueda nunca habalr no me cuadra, dice que no les permiten usar facebook y hablar por telefono. se dice viudo y con una hija en un internado, no me ha pedido dinero, pero quiero saber si su perfil es falso o si es estafador .

  25. Una videollamada!
    Se sentaron frente a la cámara. Usted hace preguntas, ellos responden, su boca va a las palabras.
    Los estafadores reproducirán un video en una computadora portátil, apuntarán con una cámara hacia él y pensarán que es en vivo. No lo es
    Nunca acepte ningún sonido o mala conexión. Es el truco de un estafador
    NINGÚN soldado está contactando a nadie y no pueden decirte dónde están.
    Ningún soldado se despliega y se retira tan pronto después. Los soldados dejan el servicio después de un largo período, no porque decidan que quieren hacerlo.
    Su historia es un estafador de libros de texto, que es lo que él es.

  26. this is good advice, i have just been 'catfished 'by a so called army officer in the peace keeping forces in kabul . after 4 days i did an image search ( as in the tv programme Catfish shows ) and it turned out to be the chief of staff of the u.s militarty . i was disappointed but relieved that i caught it on time, although i was taken in by his sweet talk which is really what we all want to hear . i think that;s why we don't take heed of the red flags . this was a guy calling himself Frieda Martha and it was in reality a photo of Markus Laubenthal , who by the way the catfish still insisted he was, even after i pulled him about it! BUSTED!!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. He calls himself Alex Kim Wan, we talked since August. He contacted me via Pinterest (his profile is no longer there) after we switched to Hangouts ( ). The photo that appeared in his profile in Pinterest and the one he sent me corresponds to Alex Wan, the politician from Atlanta.
    He told me that he had left the policy for a while, that he had a contract for 3 years and that he only had 9 months to complete it, which was 05 Lieutenant Colonel and that he was in Iraq.
    I confronted him about what he found on the internet about Alex Wan, and he always had an excuse, sometimes credible sometimes not so much. He told me that he had a divorce, that he had an 8-year-old daughter, that he had no brothers. Then he told me he had 2 sisters, search the internet for their names and they correspond to the sisters of an Alex Wan who is a musician.
    I was so upset with so many lies that we discussed and finally told me that it was Alex Kim, that he had 2 children, that he was not 54 years old, but 41 years old, that he was not a politician or a musician, but a military man. it was not 05 Lieutenant Colonel but 02 First Lieutenant (does this rank exist?). That the video calls were made by Alex Wan, the politician who had to beg him to do so, who sent him his email and password to make the calls.
    He has a babysitter for his children, his name is Gloria, this is Gloria's email, She informs him about what is happening with her children (I don't know why she doesn't inform the mother of children).
    He sent me photos of him and his children and there I can find his profiles on Instagram: Randy Pavon randypavon12; Randy Pavon @ randyray869; Randy Pavon @ randypavon1; Kim Hinata Raymond @kimhinataraymond.

    Thanks in advance

    1. AND YOU BELIEVE ALL OF THIS .. I am shocked at how easy it is for a scammer.
      Using the pictures of a man of God is and enough to tell so many lies and steal so much money is unforgiveable
      Unsure why anyone would give an African criminal this much time and let him tell so many lies and accept the ridiculous stories.

      I will try to report these fakes Thank you


    2. I have already blocked him. I didn't believe him, that's why I searched the internet and continued talking to him because I wanted him to be punished in some way, but I got tired of following the game. I never sent him money. It is a shame that children end up involved in this fraud.

      Anyway, I found out another profiles if him (at least with his pics), can you check it please?:

  29. Twitter ones I can't help with but I can and will report those Instagram ones tomorrow. See if at least we can get those ones removed

    I talked with him for a month. Yesterday, he blocked me after I asked the truth about the information on your site. Information about him in 2016. I did not incur material expenses. I'm just sad - is it really true? If blocked - then I think it's true. What served as the basis for its appearance in your scam database?

    1. Every post here is based on what has been sent to us and proved.
      I am assuming you mean this person as I can't get it from the link you sent?
      Your scammer blocked you... that tells you everything.
      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are real.

      They are not allowed to contact strangers, they have no need to and they don't do it. They are NOT allowed to tell a stranger where they are.

      ANY contact claiming MILITARY is a scammer from WEST AFRICA.

    2. Моя ссылка открывается на совсем другого человека - BUZZ MARTNIEZ KIM. По вашей ссылке я не нашла ничего похожего. Я хочу просить вас перейти по ссылке из моего сообщения и если есть возможность дать информацию по какой причине этот человек был назван мошенником

    3. Пожалуйста, приходите к мошенникам
      Ваша ссылка НЕ работает для меня

  31. 1.Ссылка с вашего ресурса. Странно почему она не открывается. Там данные 2016 года.
    2. Не совсем поняла ваш призыв "Пожалуйста, приходите к мошенникам". К ним не надо ходить. Они выстраиваются в очередь. После того человека с которым общалась месяц, на сайтах знакомств "военные" "врачи" и даже один журналист можно сказать выстраиваются в очередь. Благодаря вашему ресурсу я стала бдительнее. Адреса почты у всех сделаны по образцу - имя*номер В основном все из Сирии, один был из Афганистана. Но после общения со мной многие просто исчезли так и не продолжив общение и вымогательство.
    Про человека, который по ссылке моего первого сообщения, я провела собственный анализ данных и фото. Фото того человека интенсивно используют мошенники о чем ясно дает понять ссылка и подпись в Яндекс. Человек на фото реальный, правда настоящее имя так и не выяснила, но то что он Martinez ясно видно на фото. А дальше мошенники присваивали ему разные имена. У меня есть фото которые не определяются Яндексом потому что там отсуствуют и я пока им верю.
    Я хотела прислать скан страницы, на которую вы не можете выйти.Но не нашла возможности сделать это тут.

  32. Как я уже сказал .. пожалуйста, свяжитесь по электронной почте .. scamhaters и мы можем поговорить. Гораздо проще, чем здесь.
    Ссылка, которую вы отправили .. и орфография была неправильной, откроется для вас на вашем компьютере. Не для меня.

      Это еще одно упоминание фотографий этого человека.
      Я отправила вам большое письмо. Пожалуйста прочитайте его до конца. Заранее спасибо.

  33. hello,am from Vietnam, and think i need to let people know that now these scammers are aim to small countries as well. i talked to a man called Dr larry grant for 12 days now on Skype,he was posing as Alexander Austen, now am finally here and i know now that i got scammed. He did talked so nicely, write me mails to show sincerity for making friends to me, and mentioned to marriage just after 3 days. he told me he is a medical doctor in Arizona, now serving for US army in Afganistan, just waiting for approvement from his commander then he can come to vietnam to open a clinic and meet me. He did not ask for money, but asked for some hot photos. and i did send a few but none of them has my face included. i was getting really angry and want to expose him, but after calming down, i think it is better if i just block and keep ignorant to him. But still, i have worries for the photos.

    1. Vietman has had a scammer problem for a long time.
      A scammer does not really look at country.. and they do know that Asian women do respond to strangers so they go through a list of women and send to them.. then usually ask 'where are you from',, they don't know where they have sent to.
      The pictures you can do nothing about and they are for blackmail but they can only blackmail if you talk to him.. keep strong and keep them blocked at all times !
      You have learned a hard lesson now but at least you did not lose money.
      Thanks for all the information and please take care. NO Military that contact you is any other than scammer from West Africa

  34. There's a man I've been texting with for 10 months. He claims he's in the marines. I never knew about what questions to ask him. He sent me a photo of himself, I found out that it was stolen and the emails he gave didn't end with .mil. There was always something off about him. When I got his IP address, I entered it on a site to track his location, it came out that hes in Lagos, Nigeria.

    1. They are mostly in Lagos... if not ! Not many miles away ! Please be so careful !
      I apologise but due to no internet for several days I have not been able to get on here to answer. It was outside my control and I am sorry.

      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are real.

      They are not allowed to contact strangers, they have no need to and they don't do it. They are NOT allowed to tell a stranger where they are.

      ANY contact claiming MILITARY is a scammer from WEST AFRICA.

    2. How do you get the IP Address on someone

    3. You usually can't. You can't on FB / IG and popular email providers use their own server IP's in emails. VPN's can be used to disguise where they are.
      Even finding an IP is no guarantee of where they are

  35. I've had intensively communicate with a journalist deployed in Afghanistan, his name is Emmanuel Jones as a chief Journalist. We're just make communication about 1 month but he asked for me to get married.. lol.. He's so lovely and I was so impressed with all of his word texted. He said from US but I dont believe when someday we got called by whatsapp, his voice definitely Nigerian or not any others white guys looks. He asked for me to filled in the form to apply his permission leave from his base camp and will marrying me during his duration vacation. Thank God, when UN fake account ( asked for me to send my ID Card, I realized that I am on target scammers. His UN ID card take me to the your site.. thank you .. because his ID card looks like fake ID card, so I searched for and damn it's definitely FAKE.!! LOL..

    I just blocked all of them mail and whatsapp sent to me.
    anyway his mail is

    1. Journalist needing forms from the UN ! a new one and not very clever.
      Thank you for searching and finding ! Be careful, they will keep trying now they know you !
      I have kept that email address for searching too !


    I just want to report of this scammer. His name is Lucas Ethan. He messaged me in instagram, telling me that he is a us military army assigned in Kabul, Afghanistan. He sent me pictures that are actually good looking ones. He made up stories that he was an orphan and he was taken by a military priest that is why he is in the military. we became romantically linked and a supposedly colleague messaged me in instagram that he got stabbed. Days after he said he apply for a leave and then his leave was granted and that he needed $650 for his airfare. He asked me to send in Russia and I said why in Russia and he said because it's not safe in Afghanistan. I sent the $650 then he messaged again and he said he needed $950 for him to pay the person who will take over his position. He begged me and promised me that once he gets access to his accounts he will pay me. I sent $950. After that I got really suspicious. He said he was in the States. I told him to videocall me. He said he doesn't have a phone yet. Since then I learned my lesson and blocked that as*h*ole! What a shame! That was my hard earned money. I hope karma will hit on him 10x.

    1. You haven't paid 'him' you have paid the scammer who has stolen your money pretending to be him.
      The US Army doesn't need anyone stabbed sending to Russia or airfares and if you think about it.. they look after their own.
      The US Army does not deny soldiers access to their account and this scammer story has never made sense to me because no soldier away fighting for his country is going to be left with no money at all.
      Of course it's not safe in Afghanistan.. the US Army there is fighting a war they don't get a woman to help them run away.
      Yes it is hard earned money to you... easy 'love you babe' cash for some scammer impersonating a serving soldier.
      We will report the fake account and get it removed today. Thank you

  37. selbe fotos, neuer name,, John Alex,, auf facebook,, habe ihm soeben blockiert.. leider kann man sie nicht mehr melden,, sie machen alles ohne profil

  38. Была легенда,что он Майкл и находится на развёртывании в Афганистане.Что жена умерла от рака и 2 сына Алекс и Пол(16 и 14 лет).Потом резко заблокировали карту и нужны деньги...Писал о любви,но сразу стало подозрительным, что стал агрессивен и захотел денег...Типа на соревнования для сыновей,которые усердно тренировались для соревнований на баскетбол и для поездки на Аляску.Использовал фото полковника Лопеса Брайана, сразу стало понятно,что это обман.... Пользовался Ватсапом,но отказывался от видеозвонка, ссылаясь на секретность.Писал ,что ищут скрытые бомбы и что много смертей и погиб командир! Много красивых слов о любви и семье.Почти поверила, пока не стал настаивать на деньгах. Хорошо, что проверила фото в сети и нашла этот сайт, чтобы поделиться!Будьте осторожны, они хорошо втираются в доверие и манипулируют чувствами!

  39. Hi,i also have talking with a soldier from USA,who is in Syria.His name is Scott Wilson.He want money for toiletries.A friend of him will come to bring him.He gave me a bank account where to de liber money.

    1. ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

      I did a really good video with Filippe Abreu.. it is on here.. PLEASE see it.. and DO NOT have anything to do with a band acocunt.. not soldier needs money... he doesn't want or need toiletries .; YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED

  40. You are not talking to a soldier ! Please get away from your scammers

  41. I kept getting a request to be followed on IG by a handsome young soldier, and because I look at Catfish and 90 Day Fiance I already knew it was bull. So I decided I was going to hopefully teach this person a lesson. It was over in less than a week. I go by my gut and I could tell by the way he wrote that he was not American or very educated. I pointed out to him I found it odd that he used the British way to spell favourite as opposed to favorite, which is the way American spell it. words. Of course he lied and said that is how it came up on his phone. I kept questioning everything he said but he didn't take it as a sign. The other night I found your site and the photos he was using of the young man whose last name is Mabry. I kept baiting him and he kept on writing, I was not nice, I cursed, accused him of B.S, but he kept writing and I thought to myself this dude is relentless. So I sent him copies of the pictures you have of Mr. Mabry, I sent him all of the warnings, everything I could find and said you are busted. He kept trying to deny, begging and pleading of how he could prove his innocence and that he was really that person. I asked for his email address and of course he sent something he made up and I said, that is not correct. He tried to act offended and I said no one is asking you to communicate with me, so he said if he could just talk to me. I told him that there was no way in the world I would give you a phone number, and some other very offensive things. I asked him what part of Nigeria he was from and he got very frustrated and kept denying, then I said for him to not be ashamed of where he was really from or his true identity. He tried to act upset and I still kept hammering away. Side note, were I not still sheltering in place I probably wouldn't have engaged, but I get bored. Also I am sick of men trying to use women no matter how naive they may be.
    I know it seems crazy, but I felt that he needed to get some of what he gives, I acted like it was all good and he foolishly let his guard down and sent me an audio message. Clearly and specifically a Nigerian accent and I have heard plenty.
    These people are sociopaths, and I reported him to Instagram, but they don't make it easy to say in detail why the person should be removed. It is offensive to impersonate anyone, but for someone from another country to do that to one of our finest, our soldiers, is outrageous. I suppose he figured out he has been blocked because the page is gone, and now another soldier has requested following me which I am sure it is him again.
    Do you have any suggestions as to how to get these poor men's photos from being abused. This criminal sent me photos of the man and his children, solo pictures of his kids which is super low down. I am sure they cleaned out what ever social media accounts he formerly had. Hopefully I put a bit of a scare into him, but I doubt it very much.
    Thank God your site exists it gave me the ammunition I needed. Like my mother always said, "if it looks too good to be true, it isn't true." One of the first things I wrote when he approached was you will get to see that I am not to be toyed with. That was fair warning. When I sent him the information I compiled he asked where I got it, I told him he should have Googled it, the same way he should have Googled what an actual military email address looks like.
    Thank you.

    1. So you decided to give the scammer a 'how to scam better' lesson and point out his mistakes. Mistakes he won't make next time.

      Yes it is crazy, they don't care one bit getting any abuse back from you and they are trained to just keep going until you stop it.

      Do I have suggestions.. yes lots but the message is so hard to get across... DON'T ACCEPT AND PLAY WITH OR ENGAGE WITH ANY STRANGER THAT CONTACTS YOU.

      Nigeria is not going to stop it's scammers. It loves it's luxury industry. IF they never got anyone to talk to and nobody to send the pictures to, having them would not be any use to them.
      I'd love for their phones and laptops to fall silent but it will never happen. The pictures of each soldier are held on hundreds of laptops all ready to be used.

      Myself and the others who work on SHU work 24/7 and 365 days a year to warn and it's falling on deaf ears or ones that don't want to listen. Getting money is ridiculously easy for them. So they keep going.

      They have no conscience and no heart.. they will keep going and keep going and swear black is red that they are the real person

      But just think if they didn't get the chance to do that. Didn't get taught how to spell properly so next time they wouldn't make that mistake.

      I want it to be different.. Millions of people contacted by scammers don't ! We are losing because of this

  42. I have been talking to a Jeffrey Robert who claims he is in the Navy in Bagdad, Iraq. He said he was orphaned at the age of 6 when his parents died in a car crash. He has no siblings. He was raised in an orphanage. He claims his wife died 10 years ago and has 2 kids in Nashville, TN. I met him on Words With Friends. We moved to google hang out. He has sent a pic of himself in uniform. I have asked him to video chat and said he cannot because he is on a ship. Now he is having problems with his internet and connections. He wanted me to send him a Steam Card for $200.00. I have seen to many red flags. I have not sent him any cards. He seemed nice. I just want to give a heads up about this guy if he is doing this to other women. I wish there was a way to know who the guy is in the picture he sent me. What a sad world we live in.

  43. hello everyone ... i have been talking to a girl by the name of Pace Kim and the same story here ... she said she's in pease keeping and send me some photos of her and this is all what she send
    Hello Dear,
    It is my pleasure to meet you today,God bless you dear.
    I am Col Pace Kim from San Francisco California USA ,Am 28 years old, I am a Commander of the 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Air Force Space Command; also the Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, U.S. Strategic Command. Am in Afghanistan at war zone for a peacekeeping mission due to the crisis here in Afghanistan but I will soon come back home.

    I am a very Godly, honest and kind woman. I do not come here to play games. Please bear in mind that you are communicating with a matured woman that understands the true meaning of love. I want you to know that I never joke with emotions I have seen much in life and will never play with anyone's emotions.

    I will like to know more about you, we can share ideas and discuss about more issues as we talk about ourselves and as time goes on there maybe something great for us in the future .Although we just met,

    For now this is a little about me and will tell you more about myself and my family background when I receive your reply, I hope to read from you soon and here are my pictures.

  44. Kelvin J Williams nickname Jordy

  45. Stephen j townsend sent me his id card an everything told ne hes in syria got me to chat on hangouts asnt asked me for anything though which i thought was weird

  46. I was chatting to someone calls himself Yepes Scott.

      thank you.. reported and closed

  47. Ive been talking to someone who calls himself shawn micheal on wordzee at first then moved to hangouts loveliest man you could speak to he told me hes an orthapedic surgeon working in somalia with the us army sent me pictures which i found out were taken in july i called him out he told me he lied that he hadnt took them on the day i asked he really did talk the talk then today randomly asked ne what bank i was with i flipped out then he came out with he needs to get money transferred to me cos he cant access his account while hes out there so i asked him how he would get the money off me an still havent had a reply so people just be careful hangouts app deleted

    1. ANYONE that claims to be on a Doctor is never real.
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are Doctor, anywhere in the world , it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

      HANGOUTS IS THE SCAMMERS PLAYGROUND! .. Good it is deleted !

  48. Ive got pictures what he has using didnt no whether to send them or not?

    1. Please send to

    2. Ive emailed you the pictures thank you.

  49. Hi i was wondering if i email you some pictures could you tell me if he is a scammer please?

    1. Yes.. please send to

  50. Would just like to thank you so much for comfirming that the person i was talking to was a scammer i confronted him an he then tried to tell me he was actually the person in the pictures just using a different name the lengths these people will go to but once again thank you so much. Yous do a great job 😁xxx

  51. Im chatting with a guy who says hes in Afghanistan! We met in a dating app. Now that everyone is out of there. Yes, hes a widow, he loves me and wants to marry me. I have to mae a request for him to get a marital leave. I just opened my eyes when he said he was going to that part of the world. He speaks perfect English, thats why I doubted. Some Sargeant Morrison. Be careful.

    1. Nobody is in Afghanistan but hey! a scammer does not let the truth get in the way of a good scam. Many do speak prefect English... it's not always the rubbish ones you get. But ALL who tell you military will always be fake

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
