Scam Haters United

Online Romance Is he/she real? or am I talking to a scammer?

Have you met someone online and he/she sounds wonderful, almost too good to be true? Something has triggered your intuition so you want to be sure that they are a real person and not a scammer?

We are a small group of women; dedicated volunteers who have banded together to help support victims or potential victims of scams. We bring awareness/education to everyone for over 10 years about this horrible crime that is plaguing social media; Romance Scams. We have been advising and educating anyone that will listen about scams or scammers for the past 10 years. We have educated ourselves to provide you with accurate information (the truth).


  1. Sergio Gustavo névvel megkeresett egy valaki facebook-on.Egyből el kezdett udvarolni,intelligensen.Bemutatkozva,Amerika-i katona,Szíriában szolgál békefenntartóként és özvegy.De már utána Tony Nortman lett a neve.Tisztában voltam,hogy ez nem valós,de hagytam belementem a játékba.A fotót beazonosítottam.Dragan Sutanovac ,felhasználva a Szerb politikus fotóját és kreállt honlapot fotóival együtt.Annyira felkészületlen volt,olyan szarvas hibákat követett el,vagy én voltam Tőle felkészűltebb,vagy okosabb?Mikor már meguntam az áradozásait,akkor felfedtem keményen.Válasz nyílván nem volt rá.

    1. azon a ponton, amikor tudta, hogy blokkolnia kellett volna, és kiszállnia. Mi haszna, ha átverési gyakorlatot ad neki, és kockáztatja, hogy feltörtek egy kis játékért. A csend hatékonyabb, de a nők nem szeretik megtagadni a csalót. Nehezíti számunkraazon a ponton, amikor tudta, hogy blokkolnia kellett volna, és kiszállnia. Mi haszna, ha átverési gyakorlatot ad neki, és kockáztatja, hogy feltörtek egy kis játékért. A csend hatékonyabb, de a nők nem szeretik megtagadni a csalót. Nehezíti számunkra

  2. Like to report and have a pic of Denis Alex Morgan posted the man who scammed me

    1. you can send to me on

    2. Hello, I sent an email to you. I report someone. I hope it helps you. Thank you

  3. I also experienced this but I think it's logical if it's just a video call why can't you and call because of the position in Yemen..they are good at taking advantage of the situation

    The video is played on a laptop and filmed on a phone. You see the man move and see him speak.
    There is no 'chat'. You do NOT have a conversation with him and his mouth does not go to the words in your 'chat'.
    They will say bad reception or some reason for not having a proper chat. Just seeing the man means as little as seeing him on a picture. FAKES... SCAMMER'S TRICKS

    1. A soldier by the name of kelven Miller that I searched up using his photo he sent Mr through image on Google. He is asking for ph cards constantly and has sent a box of things toy address. He is harrassing me 2 send these items on to him in Nigeria. It's going to cost me close to $300. I Live in New Zealand. He's lied to me about his name said he was a mark ronald. What do I do

    2. Kelvin is a bit of a 'joke' name with Nigerians.. they think it is the most popular name in America. There are NO US military in Nigeria, just criminals stealing cash and goods. Nobody should accept harassement by text. BLOCK and I really do mean BLOCK and get away from them

  5. Hello I met a gut online, namely Arnold Lubin. I saw so many similar profiles with various names and he is insisting that he is not fake. This is annoying me and I want to know who he is.

    1. email me:
      please send a picture of him and his job and where in the world he is saying where he is right now please! I will do my best to help

    2. I also sent you an email. Please check it now.

    3. I have answered all the emails. Is he the one where they are saying Mayfair?
      A scammer will always insist they are not a fake. Otherwise they would not be fraudsters. Who he is? A fake. Sometimes you don't find the original pictures, does not mean your man is real. You go from what he says.

    4. Me too arnild lubin he asked for my whatsapp i gave him he even send he driving licence photo but ive seen it's fake!

  6. Replies
      or Facebook page and come to Messages there
      we will help you

  7. I had the same issue with a guy that messaged me on IG with the name of Kevin Ambriz. I found out that all the pictures belong to Sean Ambriz. Thank goodness, I did not sent any money because I have family members in the military and know how things work. This was a red flag for me. I was able to access the interview of the real person. It is such a shame the foolishness there scammers tell people. I used the website, Social Fish to analyze the pictures which came up as being edited.

    1. It is bad and this happens! SO bad for so many people. Scammers create many victims

      ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real. As a stranger to them they will never
      tell you where they are deployed
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are Military in the United States or in a war zone , it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

  8. I think the person of the photo should be notified that his photo is being used to scam people. It concerns me that the real guy has a bad reputation even before they go onto the net. He could be a dead man for all we know and was killed by the scammer!! is there any way that the real guy can be notified? He should be, if I were him, I would want to go into hospital and never come out!

    1. Why would it give the real guy a bad reputation? Not at all, he has had no part in this. You have not told me who the real guy is and on this post there are no indictors on the post as to who you are talking about. In my experience they ALL know they are used. No, they do not get killed by the scammers!
      The real guys don't need to hide. They are innocent. Scammers need to be more severely dealt with than they are.

    2. Snažím sa pochopiť čo sa deje a len teraz je na fb veľa profilov g. D.M.Frasera. Kde mám istotu, že aj vy nie ste tí správni "pomocníci". Ja osobne by som sa D.F. chcela ospravedlniť i celej rodine. Ale zisťujem, že vynaliezavosť, klamanie a zloba zostane súčasťou našich životov. Ďakujem.

  9. I have been in contact with a scammer

  10. Some man scammed me online as a romance scammer i dont know who he is but i found pictures every where of the guy he used. He told me he lied and he would pay me back havenr heard from him since

  11. Replies
    1. Come to the FB PAGE AND go to Messages at the top. Or The FB will get you the fastest reply. Or the Instagram page.

    2. Yo fui estafada por una persona de hace llame Luis Rosario militar norteamericano. Caí en la mentira y si deposite dinero en trasferencia. Que puedo hacer para recuperar mi dinero, o si lo doy por pedido ???

  12. A mí me está escribiendo James malachovki según está en Siria hace meses en una misión ,

    1. No, no lo es. Por un lado, Siria está en guerra, no hay tal cosa como una misión de mantenimiento de la paz en una guerra. Estafador común error muy estúpido. Además, su nombre no es James. USTED ESTÁ SIENDO ESTAFADO... su James es de África Occidental... y le pedirá dinero, nunca lo enviará.

  13. Good evening.
    Do you have data about Patricia Alicia Rodriguez, US Army?
    I did not put the picture here so as not to affect the person in case it is true.

    1. I say this so many times and it is ALWAYS the truth.
      ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are Military , in the United States or in a war zone , it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

      I can say that if you are talking to ANY female who has contacted you and said US Army IT WILL BE 100% FAKE

  14. eware of these fake instagram accounts, I reported them but I don't know why they're still there: richardrobert2002022 y lucashugo445, They have the same photo and they are cheating on women.

  15. Need info on Rick Mattson he is been saying he will come in 2 weeks. I need to know if such person exists?

    1. I can tell nothing from a name, there are millions of names used, if it's coming to see you in 2 weeks it will expect you to send money for this... If you have never never met him, HE WILL NOT BE REAL. I am on if you want to send his picture and some details and I will take a look for you

  16. Здравствуйте. А я отправила деньги 1500 долларов называет себя доктором Кристианом. Вот сейчас я читаю тут, что меня обманули. А как можно забрать деньги обратно. Помогите пожалуйста.

  17. отправка денег мошенникам не возвращается и я сожалею. Вы ДОЛЖНЫ искать в начале, чтобы знать, с кем разговариваете, а не после того, как деньги будут потеряны.

  18. Vorrei sapere se uno che dice di essere, il Generale Douglas Malcolm Fraser esiste veramente, io sono andata a controllare, e mi risulta che è morto.

  19. A mi me envió una solicitud a facebook Andrew Max me dijo que hablemos por whatsapp le di mi número y en pocos días de estar hablando me puse a investigarlo primero me percaté que su número telefónico tenia un codigo de Nigeria y el me decía que era de Dallas, despues ya comencé a dudar por que le pedia fotos de el de ese momento y me enviaba fotos que no eran tomadas en ese momento. Es ahi cuando decido buscar la foto a quin pertenecia y resulta que es de una figura pública Brasileño llamado Dony De Nuccio y en ese mometo le confronte el aceptó que no era la persona que me hizo creer pero que igual se había enamorado de mi obviamente no le creí he inmediatamente lo reporte en facebook y en Whatsapp.
    Gracias a Dios lo investigue antes que logre estafarme.

    1. y el 'enamorarse de ti' es parte de la estafa. Todo forma parte del guión cuando saben que no les crees.
      ¡Gracias a Dios que lo sabías! y perdieron

  20. Patrick L Chandler? I'm pretty sure they are a scammer. Tiktok @patrickone_

    1. tHE ACCOUNT IS PRIVATE. So I can't see into it BUT all who come to you on TikTok are fake.. the worst place for scammers at the moment.
