, pub-2893503378204328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 " ScamHaters United .. Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram : BRANDON WATKINS, FAKE AND SUCH STUPID INFO GIVEN YET NO ONE LOOKS!

Scam Haters United

Monday, 21 August 2017



  • born to save SOULS
  • Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps at Us Navy Special Security Office
  • Drilling Contractor at Zion Oil and Gas, Inc.
  • Studied Militares africanistas at University of Oxford
  • Went to Stanford University
  • Lives in California City, California

**Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps at Us Navy Special Security Office .. NO !

**Drilling Contractor at Zion Oil and Gas, Inc... NO !

**Studied Militares africanistas at University of Oxford ... NO !

Using the stolen images of Brandon Watkins, who isn't on Facebook looking for a woman or any money

//(*_*)\\ Don't become a Victim //(*_*)\\

YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING THE PERSON IN THE PICTURES. These are innocent and victims too. 

He is using the name Mark WATKINS or Fred WATKINS. Sargent in the U S Army in Syria. 2 children has custody of because his wife cheated on him with best friend. Please be careful

I just fell for that idiot Michael Brandon Watkins I felt like something was wrong but he used all the bullshit like his wife cheated on him in their marital bed with his best friend, he has 11 year old son who’s in foster care ,he said he was Marine , his birthday is September 14 and here’s his phone number 661-434-1027 he also said he finished whatever for navy too what a joke he tried saying his account got hacked and someone stole all his pictures also he lives in Naperville I’m publishing this so this doesn’t happen to someone else!!!! what a fucken asshole he’s lucky idk where he lives I’d stab a mother fucker lol wish I could upload pics also he kept calling me his queen and babe all the stupid shit !!! 

Going by the name Derrickwatkins121 on tiktok
Started chatting then thought I'd do a little research glad I did. Thanks

He presented himself as Jacky Vega on POF. He also goes by Donald Vega on hangouts. Throw in a Jeffrey as also part of his name. At first he said he was 47 then he had made a mistake setting up his account. He's really 43. But, he said he joined the Navy at 18 and has been in for 15 years. Do the math...Very poetic. Broken english. Italian is his first language. Professed love right off the bat. The stories are similar to what I've just read from everyone. He's looking for his queen.
Masquerading as an E-8 in the Navy Security forces currently deployed to the South China Sea. Supposedly, his bank account was hacked and is frozen until he returns home. He needs amazon cards to be able to use the internet.

He has presented himself on Oasis as Michael Watkins aged 53. Currently in the Ukraine on a patrol boat deployment 9 months. Claims he is an only child been in the US Navy for 15 years. Sick of being single wants to find the love if his life and to gave someone to come home to. Claims to be a romantic and will look after his princess. His rank is Petty officer 1st Class working in communications and radar. Please be careful I have only been chatting less than 12 hours and picked it straight away. No one can fall in love within hours of chatting.

He is also going by the name Mike Watkins. He is a fraud from Nigeria.

He presented himself as Mike on POF (Plenty of Fish) and when we switched to Kik to chat better he appeared as Jason with a heart. Said his name is Mike Jason Watkins and he goes by his middle name with people he knows. He's in the Navy currently in West Africa, because of military rules he cannot cam or speak on the phone because of the risks with terrorist interfering. He even sent a pic of him with a little girl (his daughter) with a story that the mother is evil. The daughter is in boarding school and he is an only child, both parents have passed away. The sad part is I felt targeted a bit, I posted my interests of being an animal lover, dogs specifically and he posted a pic with a dog, sent a few more on Kik, and he played on that. I wouldn't be surprised if this person (or group of people) have multiple profiles and set up new ones to target specific people. When he started talking about money, that was a HUGE flag for me, as were the misspelled words and bad grammar. Which mine isn't the best but the messages were awful, and stating he was intelligent, I don't think so. I just blocked him. For what its worth, he suggested chatting on whatsapp. I never heard of it but I'm sure he's on others.

Has been contacting me over the last 2 weeks with love poems etc, comes from Denver this time and is in Aleppo, Syria. Dave Watkins he is supposed to be now. Works his way in then says money has been stolen, what am I going to do for the rest of the month? Usual stuff.

Showed up as Michael age 40 on Tinder and IN Halifax (based on that distance thing). Different photos but the tattoos are the same. Wanted to chat with me on Kik as watkinmic. I unmatched because call me cynical but I automatically assume if they don't want to chat on tinder they want to chat where they can send dick pics. This is possibly worse tho!

There is now a scammer saying he is In Turkey on a mission, and needs money to come home to Michigan...using the name Dimas Watkins on KIK


  1. There is now a scammer saying he is In Turkey on a mission, and needs money to come home to Michigan...using the name Dimas Watkins on KIK

    1. Thanks... glad you didn't fall for the story !! Turkey on a mission.. and so good at it he can contact women and come home !!

    2. I'm Actually talking to a Supposably twin brother
      of Brandon;Michael Walkins Kompany age,39 in Turkey and promises marriage and will be home to Ohio in a month. But I never sent him or gave him money ,he's been kinda some what helping me but he does deposit money to my acct and I transfer most of it to the Bitcoins. And I know, he gave me All the Red flags and cried and begged he isn't a scammer ... I'm tryin to see how can I catch him on his lie and flip things around and get the bitcoin from him. Cause I know but he promises he isn't but I believe my name and info. Is floating around .. we've argued but I need help and he'd argue and get all offended turning things around saying yhats all I want, is money .. which I just want the trlhruth and its fair fore to get some but he,ll start treating me or saying he got his colleagues watching me ...

    3. I actually don't know where to start and you are not going to like my answer.
      COME ON... THE TWIN BROTHER,.... well congratulations your Nigerian is having a great laugh when you accepted that story !

      Money Mule... accepting money made in scams from anyone is placing yourself in the gang of the scammers. You are receiving money from other scammed women and laundering it. I actually hope the victims do report you and you will be arrested as money laundering is a feonly punishable with jail time and 3 years probation.

      I am not interested in you wanting to steal the victims money for yourself. You are as bad as your Nigerian


      And fighting with a Nigerian online, letting him to the fake crying which at least gives you something to laugh at BUT SCAMMING AND THE MANIPULATION BY NIGERIANS SHOULD NEVER BE THIS EASY. I am appalled

  2. Now he's on Kik as Watkins_Michael_ and he's in Kuwait on deployment. He says he's in the Navy Infantry and his MOS is 1733(doesn't exist). He refused to give me his e-mail address, and is "hurt" I don't believe him. Thank you for the info!

  3. He's on KIK as and Samuel Watkins, says he's in Turkey in the US Navy. He hasn't asked for money yet, but he's hinting that he needs it, says his internet is about to be shut off. I thought that was weird so I googled his name and found all this, so thank you for the info!!

    1. Gov internet does not get shut off. Sites may be blocked, but the net as a tool.. No! Military personnel need it for business.

    2. THANK YOU... and yet so many will believe their scammers and not sense.. thanks so much for this, it's needed.

  4. On instagram, he is phil watkins us navy from texas.

    1. Do you have a username for this please? We have been getting quite a lot down but can't find this one

  5. Got a message from "Jason" using these photos on Plenty of Fish and he said he was in the Navy over sees in South Africa. Tried to get me to download Kik to chat with him. I knew something was up so I Google image searched and for this site.

    1. My favourite comment.. you searched and you found and they didn't win.

      Thank you

  6. Kik as Watkins_Michael_ lasted two weeks before he drop the ball. He said he needed me to allow his cousin "stationed" in Turkey to transfer $30K into my credit card and forward it to someone in his family so they can pay for his grandma's life-saving surgery. He claimed he is stationed in Kuwait in the Navy. I just don't get how he did it with live camera. He may be actual person but a cruel con-artist. Will manipulate with your feelings and question yourself. Do not fall for him.

    1. He most definitely isn't the real person and they are very cruel con artists. No.. it isn't live camera. It's a very easy way to play a video as if it looks like it's on live camera. You will not have had a clear picture or you saying something and him answering you.
      There is a lot of Brandon Watkins around to steal and he has a gorgeous partner.. he isn't looking for anyone else.

  7. He messaged me on instagram as mterryrey 43 and now talking to him on kik app and he is going by martin watkins

    1. Please give the man in the pictures the respect he deserves as a victim and drop and block the scammer. You are wasting your time and encouraging them.
      I will report the IG account and hope it goes tomorrow.

  8. He is now on plenty of fish uk saying he is in kabul

  9. He is now on twitter claiming to be Bradon Watkins ,Navy in Syria.

  10. He is on kik as Watkins Martin - US Navy in Nigeria

  11. I received a message from a Jordan B Watkins using these same pictures yesterday. I attempted to get some info out of this person but was unable to do so. I blocked that profile. It's utterly disgusting that someone is posing as a service member .Isn't that illegal?

    1. Yes.. it's illegal. These people are sat in West Africa and nothing is illegal to them there.
      This is not seen as something they would bother about and social media and the Army don't seem interested in protecting their troops.
      It could be so very different.

      We will get it reported and it should be removed by tomorrow.

  12. I met him on POF 3-13-18 and he is using the name Jason Watkins Murphy

  13. Someone on kik is using Brandon Watkins idk if it’s him

    1. Yes I know. We’ve been talking for 8 months now and I’m not sure if it’s him either. I tested him with a few questions and he answered correctly. But I’m still skeptical. But other than that, he’s a very caring and understanding man.

    2. Yes I know. We’ve been talking for 8 months now and I even tested him with a few questions that he answered correctly, but I’m still skeptical. Other than that, he’s a very sweet man.

    3. The scammer is playing at being very caring !! You are NOT talking to the real Brandon Watkins and you are really playing right into their scammy little hands.

      Brandon is settled with a gorgeous girlfriend and he isn't talking to ANYONE.

  14. I met him on Tinder he's going by Christopher Watkins talked for a couple weeks before he asked for My account number saying he needs it for his beneficiary !!! Can't anyone do something to STOP this scammer!! Sounds like he sure works hard having so many accounts so clearly he's recieved money from some women if he keeps doing this. Sounds like it's his Full Time Job!!

    1. I wish something could be done to stop all scammers.. of course there is no such thing as beneficiary and we need women to stop and think as you did.
      Africa, to it's utter disgrace accepts it's scammers. They should be ashamed that they do nothing.
      It is their full time job and every one name is a team so they can scam around the clock and as many as possible.
      It has to be stopped there .. and it won't be.
      One day it's my hope that all women will know and they don't get a penny... they deserve our contempt and hatred, not women's money.

  15. Showed up as Michael age 40 on Tinder and IN Halifax (based on that distance thing). Different photos but the tattoos are the same. Wanted to chat with me on Kik as watkinmic. I unmatched because call me cynical but I automatically assume if they don't want to chat on tinder they want to chat where they can send dick pics. This is possibly worse tho!

    1. You just know from a scammer they have searched the internet for pics that aren't them to send !! Notice all pics sent are impressive when you know they are sat there with a worm !
      They like to keep all their women victims in one place so they use a chat app... thanks for the info, I'll add here so it can be searched.

  16. Has been contacting me over the last 2 weeks with love poems etc, comes from Denver this time and is in Aleppo, Syria. Dave Watkins he is supposed to be now. Works his way in then says money has been stolen, what am I going to do for the rest of the month? Usual stuff.

    1. Thanks.. Google those love poems and see just how many times they have been used !!
      Thanks for the information.

  17. i doubt real person is some one else..not bw also...

    1. Scammers hide.. too cowardly to use their own faces.

  18. Anonymous 02.07.18 he's now using the name Steve Watkins. I sussed him straight away thankfully and did a reverse image search as he was so full on at the start, wants to find his soul mate and be loved etc mum died 2 years ago currently in london on leave from US navy!

  19. The person who chatted with me had a differnt name and he says his photos stolen and used to make an impression.his mum died.partner caught with another.speak on skype.can you just check this account he asked me to send money ? BANK NAME. ARVEST BANK.
    ACCCT NUMBER. 0073295525.
    ROUTINE NUMBER. 103112976.
    is this some nigerian's account held in US?
    Is there any way of knowing from where the person is chatting from by a skype account?i enquired from MS but they do not help at all..

    1. They all say their photos as stolen.. they never are and he has asked for money and you have to check to send money to an African name?? SEND MONEY TO ANYONE???
      why would you even consider doing that??
      Ye it is some Nigerians account in the US and you are about to send money to a scammer.

  20. even no body is bothered to look for the truth.i sent the details to ic3 as well.reverse img search also sometimes not helpful.

    1. Good you sent to IC3 there is not much they can do but they have to have these things recorded because governments have not idea at all on how big scams are or how many happen.
      Reverse Image Search is intermittent.. you look at what they say and verify that... which is often easier than any picture.
      You can Google where the Army are deployed and stationed. You can google about Army leave and fake packages.. everything is on Google.. don't depend on pictures alone.

      Then when their stories are just too far fetched. It's time to know to stop.

  21. He presented himself as Mike on POF (Plenty of Fish) and when we switched to Kik to chat better he appeared as Jason with a heart. Said his name is Mike Jason Watkins and he goes by his middle name with people he knows. He's in the Navy currently in West Africa, because of military rules he cannot cam or speak on the phone because of the risks with terrorist interfering. He even sent a pic of him with a little girl (his daughter) with a story that the mother is evil. The daughter is in boarding school and he is an only child, both parents have passed away. The sad part is I felt targeted a bit, I posted my interests of being an animal lover, dogs specifically and he posted a pic with a dog, sent a few more on Kik, and he played on that. I wouldn't be surprised if this person (or group of people) have multiple profiles and set up new ones to target specific people. When he started talking about money, that was a HUGE flag for me, as were the misspelled words and bad grammar. Which mine isn't the best but the messages were awful, and stating he was intelligent, I don't think so. I just blocked him. For what its worth, he suggested chatting on whatsapp. I never heard of it but I'm sure he's on others.

    1. They will be a large team and they will have plenty of profiles and they do their homework on you. Scamming isn't random. It is organised, researched crime.
      Thanks for all of this and I am so please that you stopped and blocked... Thanks for the information.

    2. I blocked one going by name of Michael. Now I'm getting texts from "FBI" saying I'm to report to their office on GA. They said they have my address and ss number. They said I can't reply to their texts but they can text me.

    3. Then block them !! The FBI doesn't text or email they knock on the door.
      Stop giving the scammer the respect of letting him do this... YOU are in control and not them. BLOCK. and never ever reply.

    4. He is also going by the name Mike Watkins. He is a fraud from Nigeria.

  22. He has presented himself on Oasis as Michael Watkins aged 53. Currently in the Ukraine on a patrol boat deployment 9 months. Claims he is an only child been in the US Navy for 15 years. Sick of being single wants to find the love if his life and to gave someone to come home to. Claims to be a romantic and will look after his princess. His rank is Petty officer 1st Class working in communications and radar. Please be careful I have only been chatting less than 12 hours and picked it straight away. No one can fall in love within hours of chatting.

    1. 53 !!!! Yes.. my record has been 8 minutes before 'think am love you babe'.... they are ridiculous and yet some will accept it.. thanks for the information.. but Brandon Watkins 53 !

  23. He presented himself as @brightwatkins in instagram.. been chatting for 2 weeks now... Sad part for me is that I exchanged personal photos of me with my friends and family.... I just look him up online because he raised the money issue 2x now... At first was within the first week of acquiantance... I declined politely.. now he again tried to get money from me.. so well... I blocked him after seeing this... Thanked God spare me from this man...

    1. I am so glad that you did search and found. Scammers are awful creatures so make sure he doesn't keep trying with other profiles.. I can't find the one with his pictures.. but look here, this is interesting. !!!

    2. This happened to me...I thank God every day that I have done some research and know the signs and have actually lived in the IS to know how they put their sentences together! Thank you so much for this site!!! He is back on Instagram as Thomas Watkins. I have blocked him. And reset all my passwords and privacy settings.

    3. We know they come back and are everywhere... good you looked and knew

  24. He presented himself as Jacky Vega on POF. He also goes by Donald Vega on hangouts. Throw in a Jeffrey as also part of his name. At first he said he was 47 then he had made a mistake setting up his account. He's really 43. But, he said he joined the Navy at 18 and has been in for 15 years. Do the math...Very poetic. Broken english. Italian is his first language. Professed love right off the bat. The stories are similar to what I've just read from everyone. He's looking for his queen.
    Masquerading as an E-8 in the Navy Security forces currently deployed to the South China Sea. Supposedly, his bank account was hacked and is frozen until he returns home. He needs amazon cards to be able to use the internet.

    1. and so why is he not blocked??? And Brandon Watkins is nowhere near 43 !

      African scammer..thanks for the information but time to block..please don't encourage them to think they can repeat this rubbish to everyone and get listened to.

    2. Oh, I've blocked him from everything. He took his POF profile down.

    3. So sad as there will be so many more ....glad you blocked.

  25. He's also on Facebook as Brandon Wright. He has some girl there thinking they're in love & he coming soon to see her & save her. I have reported the fake profile and contacted the real person in these pics thru his Instagram account.

    1. we will report this and get it removed as soon as we can. BUT.. why ever woman wants to contact the real men involved I have no idea.

      We ask time and again for you to give them some consideration and let them live their lives in peace.He has done nothing, why should he get upwards of 500 messages a week from women.. he knows.. HE KNOWS AND CAN DO NOTHING. .. please..let him be and have respect for his privacy.

  26. Anonymous October 6,2018. This guy is on Facebook as Devin Gates. He said he was over in Syria.

    1. Thanks, can you help with a link please... I can't find it?? If you can I can get it reported and removed

  27. Using the name Kennedy Watkins now... Already busted his ass.


  29. He is back on POF UK site

  30. He is on Instagram as Thomas Watkins!!! Tried to take £463 from me! So grateful for this site!!!

  31. He is currently Derrick Watkins from Chicago but on a mission in Colorado. He wants help coming 'home'. Actually sent me a video clip of him working out. When I spoke to him on the phone once I felt his voice did not match his body. So thank you for the help.

    1. Thanks for the information... on a mission in Colorado ! Not a good scammer yours I think. Anyone who contacts and says military are all fake.. so please take care. More will try !

  32. Another one found, on IG fredrickandrews26. He's from Schenectady, NY, currently deployed in Kabul. And this one is probably new to this, his English is worse than mine and I am Croatian LOL, so I new from the start. Anyway.. He didn't ask for money..yet, but it was all going in that direction. I'll report him, after I play with him a little more ;-)


    thank you !

  34. Going by the name Derrickwatkins121 on tiktok
    Started chatting then thought I'd do a little research glad I did. Thanks

    1. Very glad you did and watch out on Tiktok... it is very bad over there and it is toxic.. so many scammers on there

  35. This person named MARSHALL GEORGE in hang out. He claim he is in Syria. I uninstall my hangout.

    1. I talked to George Wills in Yemen with pictures of Brandon Watkins. I kept researching and reported him and he finally took his stuff down

    2. I would think the stuff was taken down by you reporting... thank you! They never will do it. Horrible they still use Brandon, he has been out of the Navy so long

  36. I just fell for that idiot Michael Brandon Watkins I felt like something was wrong but he used all the bullshit like his wife cheated on him in their marital bed with his best friend, he has 11 year old son who’s in foster care ,he said he was Marine , his birthday is September 14 and here’s his phone number 661-434-1027 he also said he finished whatever for navy too what a joke he tried saying his account got hacked and someone stole all his pictures also he lives in Naperville I’m publishing this so this doesn’t happen to someone else!!!! what a fucken asshole he’s lucky idk where he lives I’d stab a mother fucker lol wish I could upload pics also he kept calling me his queen and babe all the stupid shit !!! Everyone should call his phone and fuck with him 661-434-1027

  37. Nobody should call him at all, not good giving your own number to scammers. Learn not to accept them and don't get into anything. Please.. do not let them give you stories. Thank for the information

  38. He is using the name Mark WATKINS or Fred WATKINS. Sargent in the U S Army in Syria. 2 children has custody of because his wife cheated on him with best friend. Please be careful

    1. Thank you very much for the information.... same old scammer stories !

  39. Wish I would have done my research. I became a victim. James Brandon on TikTok. Sent to Syria shortly after talking to him. 2 kids left at home with his mom. But what’s odd about this one, is that he had people sending him money through me, because I couldn’t help.
