Monday 11 September 2017



IT'S MORE COMMON THAN YOU THINK.. This time it was Frankie Valli. 
I have been wondering how to write this one.. but I am leaving it in the words of the victim. 
'It's horrible. Whomever it was I was talking to, really knew his stuff. Had me believing it was really Frankie Valli. I should of known it was to good to be true. I had went to Frankie's page because I'm a huge fan of his. 

I requested to be added, a few days later, a message came from messenger that thanked me for liking his music, God Bless. Well, of course I was flattered. I responded. To make a long story short, we started talking online from Jan.18th up to a week ago. I really was fooled into believing Frankie loved me like he said he did. 

We talked about marriage in Paris, Honeymoons, to where would I love to live. I thought this precious man truly loved me. He had everyone that knew fooled. 

Money started to become the topic of the day, everyday. I treasured him that I would sign anything his Attorney wrote up stating I came into this relationship with nothing, and if things didn't work out, I would walk away with nothing. Subject changed into a briefcase. Some security company was holding it for him, needed me to pay 5000. Then it would be sent to me via FedEx. I would hold it until he came for it, we would meet, and begin our lives together. 

I felt so honored that he chose me to help him.. then months following, arguments insued over the briefcase. I refused to help him, so needless to say, he disappeared on me. I haven't heard anything for a week now. It broke my heart. 

I'm giving up on love because I'll never be able to trust and love another man because of the lies and deceit. 

The thing that hurt most is, the real precious Frankie won't even know what is going on behind his back. He doesn't deserve that. Frankie's idenity is being used to scam Women out of money. 

The scammer used the photo of Frankie wearing a Green Blazer. I believe its the same holiday photo that is on his album cover. I have every text, over 1350. Emails, etc. Hope this helps someone else whom this scammer has made women think it was Mr. Valli.'


  1. I too was approached by a fake Frankie valli at first I believed it was him then just like this other person he wanted me to send gift cards pay for an airplane ticket and the briefcase thing started I blocked him and changed both my cellphone and home number and ceased using hangouts damn shame these scammers need to stop

    1. yes but they are getting the attention, they are getting people to Hangouts and to talk to. Until they get SILENCE they won't stop !

  2. I currently have 2 Frankie Valli men who I am chatting with, on Google Chat. They are both very convincing. One wants me to recover a Safety Deposit Box that has some legal documents in it. All I have to do is pay the $1200 partial insurance payment, then it will be delivered. Once it arrives, I am to contact him, and he will give me the unlock code so that I can scan the documents and email them to him. I am allowed to keep the $600,000 cash that is in the box, plus the expensive jewelry.
    The other wants me to pay $750 for a meet-and-greet. His management insits, because apparently, it is illegal for me to either come and visit him, or for him to come and visit me.

    Both men have been "courting" me for a few months now. I lost the $1200, and he claims that I put it in the wrong bitcoin account. The second also wants the fee in bitcoins.
    Both men refer to me now as his wife. I am emotionally distraut.
    Please, ladies, do not fall for this. Like a previous poster said, I will never, ever fall in love again. My heart has disintegrated over this. These scammers know way more than they should about Frankie, and they are so very convincing.

    1. I read this with a sinking heart and I am quite incredulous. There is Google... of course they know about him. Frankie is 88 years old I doubt he has even heard of bitcoin.
      In the meantime you have spent several months of your life with Nigerians and allowing them to pretend to be a superstar? How disrespectful to Frankie.
      Would this 88 yr old man be online hunting someone to 'court' or is the baby and love you very much honey straight out of a NIGERIAN playbook.
      You say ladies don't fall for this and yet you are !
      Convincing! an 88 yr old superstar wants bitcoin and is sending you mney and documents. then a meet and greet payment.
      Let me be honest. You are degrading the reputation of a very great man by allowing Nigerians to do this. Convincing... no they aren't... not for one minute.
      Such a shame they have so much success and if you are a Frankie Valli fan you didn't fight for his honour and integrity and NOT let a roomful of Nigerian criminals get rich using him.

      For the sake of you, of Frankie and ALL people like us trying to fight the evil that is scam, GET OUT OF THIS SCAM NOW. Or else why do we bother?

  3. I have been talking to a Frankie wannabe also on google chat the love and romance at the start then the wanting gift cards, after that it was meet and greet ranging from $1500 to $5,000 dollars payable to management then the locked box with monies and papers Thank god I got out of it by only sending $300 in gift cards
