Wednesday 13 July 2016

Mixon Williams...A scammer that likes ScamHaters !


Thank You for 'Liking' ScamHaters United... it is always nice to be visited.. but I can't let you stay ! You are a Rat... and Rats have to go to the sewer....

Notice in the URL it says

Williams Rice ... He obviously likes Mixon better than Rice...

Anyway... back to 'Mixon Williams'. Mix is right for this profile as I am not sure who he actually is as, I think, different men are shown... so I suppose you can pick which one you like best... after all you aren't talking to him..... any of the men in the pictures.. you are talking to an African sat at a laptop ! 

The one in uniform is a Paratrooper nicknamed 'Sir Jumpalot'.... not one to be 'mix'n with at all ! You of course can notice that on his name tag it doesn't say Williams...or Mixon or anything remotely like either of those !

So I wouldn't get 'Mix'ed up with Mixon... really isn't worth you time. He will want to chat with you.. fall in love with you so quickly..... talk all nice and sweet... maybe even send love letters... then WHAM... he'll ask for money.

You'll never see him of course... he will get as much as he can out of you for all sorts of reasons..then when you just can't send any more... he will have scuttled off as all rats do.... down to the sewer to try bite someone else but watch for rat-catchers  !


  1. I just got a fb friend request from Frank Morise using the 2nd pic. There is another military pic. Looks like a new profile.

  2. He is now in tinder under the name Nate or Nathaniel p michael

  3. He just contacted me on Tinder under the name "Wayne". Says he is at Fort Bliss in Texas. I made sure to screenshot all his bs.

    1. Thanks.... please also report to Tinder although I am sure you have.... and there is a lot of bs !

  4. There is a guy using this picture messaged my in the ig in the name @dannielPorter

      Thanks .... they still use Porter far too much, we will get him reported and removed tomorrow.
